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Having Trouble with a Channel not coming on during a Song


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This is my second year of doing a show. I test ran the lights last night and during the one of the sequencies I noticed that one of the channel did not come on that was program, but on the next song it worked. I check the file and the channel is programed to come on during the song. the channel is labeled the same as the one before it. I just import my channel configeration and use the same one on all songs. this is the only song that did this. I had the wrong song format at the start and had to change the Media file after it was program. I do not known if that it my problem. any help is greatly appreciated. Happy Thanksgiving.

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Use the Hardware program to verify the channel first, thus insuring you don't have a bad triac or other issue. If that works, then in the sequencer, you'll need to verify the channel/controller assignment for that channel.

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You can also create a show - it doesn't have to be more than just the one sequence you're having trouble with - and then run the Verifier.

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