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Programming CCF in Sequence Editor for standalone

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I have two CF2D (Cosmic Color Flood) controllers and 4 heads. Have everything mounted and assigned unit ids of 04 and 05. I can communicate with the heads using the hardware tool. I can control the colors using the console and everything is fine.

I am using the sequence editor to create a standalone program for them. I also have two cosmic color ribbons (for a wash on my front porch) that run in standalone and are also networked together. There is a CCR device to add to the sequence, but there is nothing for the cosmic color floods. Why is that? I create 4 RGB channels (one for each head) and assigned two as unit 4 and two as unit 5. The start circuit for the one is 1 and for the other is 6. This seems right according to the manual. Circuits 4,5,9,10 are used for strobe effects.

I create a test program that sets the CCR and all 4 RGB channels to green. I have uploaded the sequence to each device. I have updated the units to trigger with the power being turned on. When I power up the units, the CCR work fine but the floods do nothing?

What am i doing wrong?


If your CCR's and CCF's are networked together, you don't need to upload the sequence to each device. Uploading it to one device will work. Uploading it to all of them may be causing some sort of odd conflict.

Remove the standalone from the other devices, and try the test again.


Thanks Don - I bet that is the issue. I have them networked in preparation for Christmas - but was just trying to test them out. I will disconnect the network between the CCRs and CCFs and see what happens.


Yay! It is working. I also discovered that when I upgraded to the latest LOR software, it now has all of my sequences under a LOR folder in the root directory or the C drive. The file that I was uploading was an earlier version that was in My Documents area on the PC.

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