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How to provide power to an ELL


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As always, the answer to one question leads to another question.

I will be using ELLs to get data to a portion of my display that cannot easily be hard wired.

The point where I need the transmitting ELL is about 65-75 feet away from the PC that runs the show and the.RS485 adapter it will be connected to.There are no intermediate controllers.

The ELL manual states that the max distance from a controller/PC to the ELL is 25 ft.

How can I get the necessary power for the ELL when it is 75' from the PC?

I guess I could put one of my spare controllers in between the PC and ELL, but that seems like a waste.

There must be a better answer.

Help again!


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I think you could make a adapter to inject power through the spare cat5 jack?

Pins 3, and 6.

but I'm not sure?


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The max distance of the ELL cabled to the PC is 25', however the wireless distance to the next ELL is up to 1,000 ft.

Page 12

1. The cable between the transceiver and the

controller or adapter must be 25’ or less. The

transceiver is powered by the controller(s) or

an LOR USB485B adapter. A long cable

causes excessive voltage drop resulting in

transceiver failure.

Page 4

The outdoor range is up to 1000 feet. But, as they

say, your mileage may vary. The device can be used

to connect the indoor PC show director to outdoor

controllers. Range will be affected by the walls the

signal must pass through...

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The distance from my PC to where I need the ELL transmitter is about 65-75 ft. Much greater than the 25 ft limit.

I have a line of sight issue, otherwise I could could put the ELL close to the PC and not worry about it which I think is the point of your post.


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Have you tested to confirm you are truly blocked, and have a LOS issue? These things are running at 900 mhz, so somewhat forgiving. I've got a couple I've been testing with, and have been somewhat impressed by their performance in non-LOS situations.

As far as the power issue, as much as it seems like a waste, using the controller to power seems like the simplest way, short of haking/creating a special power cable?

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You can use a pin adapter and plug it directly in at your controller. We had one like this in the show I was in. Also I put my transmitting antenna about 3 feet above my roof to reduce deflection.

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Not sure what you mean by pin-adapter can you explain?, Having to plug into a controller just for power...thats the OP's issue...he wants to hang the ELL off of his PC, and not have to use a controller to provide power because he exceeds the recommended distance limit when using a 485B to power the ELL..

So curious about how you set up your ELL...did you separate the antenna from the ELL? Sounds like you had it on the roof...interested in how you set it all up to power it...controller near the roof also?

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Controller is on the ground. I use a three foot wood rod and screw it to the center of the ell, Then mount it in a flag pole holder on the peak of my roof. When I sat it on the roof the signal wasn't as good.

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Tonyski you should be able to get a signal w/o modifications, our modification was done to send a signal from one of those 8ch 500 feet away.

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Controller is on the ground. I use a three foot wood rod and screw it to the center of the ell, Then mount it in a flag pole holder on the peak of my roof. When I sat it on the roof the signal wasn't as good.

Guess i'm just slow today. Still not clear on what you used the "adaptaplug" for. Was it used to interface to a separate power source for the ELL?

Edited by GaryM
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what I've decided to do is just reassign a nearby controller to the new network and attach the ELL to it. I'm sure it will work just fine and I won't need the extra controller.

Its funny how posting a question here helps me think things out. A little input here, a little hint there, and shazam! We have an answer.

Thanks to everyone. You've been a great help AS ALWAYS!


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