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iTunes and LOR


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Hey everyone, I'm having trouble using anything from iTunes. I'm new to LOR and all of my sequences up to now have been MP3 downloads. I have most of my music in iTunes and for some reason, when I try to start a new sequence using anything from there it won't work. When I try to open the file in LOR it just say's the folder is empty. I was thinking it was because of the different operating systems, but there has to be a way to make it work. (I hope!) I've even tried converting my stuff in iTunes to Windows Media Player w/o any success. I'm not overly computer literate, so I know this sounds like a stupid question but does anyone know how to use iTunes files in LOR?


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songs from i-tunes are mp4 and will have to converted to mp3 or wav format.also make sure you convert them to constant bit rate. audacity works well for both(it converts to wav files and you can also edit you songs with it)

Edited by james campbell
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Thanks guys! That was an easy fix. One question though about the constant bit rate thing, how do you know if a song/sound bite has been converted to a constant bit rate? I converted one song to mp3 and a sound bite to a wav format last night. One thing I noticed immediately is that I could get the wave file so show at the top of the sequence. That is something I couldn't do with my other mp3 files I used from Windows Media Player before. I just experimented a little, but another problem I was having with my completed sequences is that when I tried to stop/start the sequence somewhere other than the beginning of the song the timing would be off. I suspect this is because they do not have a constant bit rate? With the two files I converted in iTunes last night the timing seemed to stay consistant no matter where I stopped/started the sequence. Again, I only experimented a little. I have five song/sound sequences completed for Halloween already, if they do not have a constant bit rate will I have to completely re-do them? When I play them from the very beginning, the timing is fine. I only notice it getting off if I stop/start somewhere else.

Thanks again for all of the help.

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the way I do it is I left click on the song in iTunes and select a menu option that says "Convert to MP3". I select 128kp as the bit rate and it converts the song. have used audacity to convert the MP3 to a WAV file. LOR seems to play better with a WAV file (as far as the editor) but I use the MP3 for my show.

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