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Networking a E682


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So I did a little hair pulling tonight with the E682 and I thought I would share the results.


Wireless network users(wife) complain when I have the E682 hooked up on the network. This is a serious problem as most of you know. This problem stops all lights.


Add a second nic to the PC and create a totaly different network....I suspect the totally different network was a bit extreme and I could probally tone it back but I have it working so I am not touching it. The root problem was getting my multicast traffic to choose the correct route. No matter which order I put the interface in it would still not work.

So I changed the IP of the SAN device to with a gateway of and a mask of

The second network card on my computer now has a IP of with a MASK of

Note everyone else after you change the IP address on the E682 type SAVE 0 and then push the reset button on the board and wait 15 seconds

Next the part that took me a bit to piece together was how to change the multicast traffic to use the network. Open up a command window and type "route change MASK METRIC 1"

push Enter

Now I have a computer which is on the internet so I can surf the web but also easily fire up the sequence editor and see my lights flash.

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So I changed the IP of the SAN device to with a gateway of and a mask of

Thanks for posting this. Can you explain what you mean by the above statement? What is "the SAN device"?

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I use a second network card as this simplifies the networking setup and minimises any potential issues.

Can you imagine what may happen if your wife is doing some serious downloading whilst the show is running on a shared network, you may end up with some strange results.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a random fact for you. If you have a second network card in your computer just for e1.31, remove the gateway address. You don't need it. It serves no purpose for e1.31 in this situation and depending on how your computer setup the nic, it could cause normal Internet functions on the computer to slow down because of routing issues. Just a FWIW.

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Edit Use this command. Adding the -p keeps the changes after a reboot.

"route change -p MASK METRIC 1"

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  • 5 weeks later...

My thoughts were to do this same thing.

Motherboard has built in nic, ip is set to That ip number is what is needed for the internet as my router is set to when setup that way, show computer gets on the internet just fine. My 3 e681's have an ip setup of 41 and 42. When I run LOR sequences everything works great.

I added in a second nic card and set the ip number to, This nic is attached to an HP switch. I then setup my 3 e681's to and they are all hooked up to that same hp switch.

At this point if I use the web interface I can test the pixels on all 3 controllers and they work fine. When I run a sequence in LOR none of the pixels light up. I tried using the command

"route change -p MASK METRIC 1"

and get the error: The route chage failed: Element not found.

I have swiched ips on nic cards tried everything I can think of. hopefully someone with more experience at this can lead me in a right direction. Thanks.

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Thanks Jeff, I thought I read a different thread earlier in the year but couldn't locate it. I will try the add command instead of change tomorrow evening, sounds like that should get me going hopefully.

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