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Template problem


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I am having a problem saving a sequence. I go to edit export, name, save file.

When I go to new musical sequence options, use saved channel configuration template.

Then press ok I get a

error importing

Invalid procedure call or argument.

What am I doing wrong?

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do you have a channel configuration saved? In the beginning I took a sequence that was close to my prop layout and changed it to names that meant something to me (on channel 5 of controller 1 is where I start my mini trees so that will read "Mini-tree 1" and so on). Once done I did and export of my channel configuration to import into other sequences (so I always have the same layout in every sequence).

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OK, I'll bite. Are you trying to save a sequence (as you stated) or a channel configuration?

For a sequence, you go to the File menu and click on Save As. This saves the ons and offs of the lights you have created.

To save a channel configuration, you go the Edit menu and click on Export/Import Channel Configuration.

The difference is: a sequence contains the commands you use to turn various lights on and off as related to time; a channel config is how you've physically arranged what channels control which light strings in your display. You would create a sequence for one specific song. The channel configuration is related to your whole display, and would most likely be used as a base for every sequence you create. Its really not all that complicated, once you play with it for a while. Hang in there.

Hope this helps?

Edited by Cray Augsburg
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This is my first sequence on LOR. I save my project several times while I am constructing the sequence. When i finished I save my finished project. Next I wanted to save this as a template. So I went to edit-export channel configuration- named the file and save. Now when I start a new sequence I go to the new musical sequence box.Then under the channel setup i click the use a saved channel configuration template and set the location where i had saved it. When I click ok is when I get the error message.

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What happens when you try to create a new sequence just specifying the number of channels (don't select "use saved channel config")?

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can you share with us what you called this file that wont open?

Is the file you exported have the file ext. of "lcc"?

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you replied faster than i could ask the question.

what happens when you open and existing "lms" file then do a import channel config.

Does that work or do you get a similar error?

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no it does not have ext. of lcc. It saves it only as a lcc

Not sure I follow.

A channel Config file should be "filename.lcc"

Are you saying that is NOT what it is doing when you do an export channel config?

Sorry...I'm going to start at the begininng.

First you have to create a sequence from scratch. (no channel config to start with)

edit sequence and build channels and assign controllers, unit, channels, ex...

also create an animation if you want one.

then do a export channel config. creates seperate file (see above) from the sequence file.

Now the next time you create a new sequence you can use the channel config to avoid having to recreate all your channels and there assigned info.

If that is what you've done, then i won't be much more help.

help desk might be your best luck.

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