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Nutcracker: List of Christmas Songs


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This post really has nothing to do with Nutcracker, it is a general list of Christmas songs.

In DIYC there was a thread about "What songs are you using this year".


Almost 200 songs were posted into the thread.

i decided that i could use this list of songs in nutcracker for my projects.

so ...

i have parsed all of the songs from the emails, eliminated duplicates, loaded them into a database. There were 162 songs. If a song was done by multiple artists, they get their own row. Regular polls would probably not work so well for this many entries so i built a form.

Go to http://meighan.net/nutcracker/effects/xmas_songs.php]http://meighan.net/nutcracker/effects/xmas_songs.php

Click on every song you plan on using this year (If you are ryan johnson your wrist will get tired from the clicking)

Submit the form and your vote is tallied. The more people who do this, the more reflective of the overall usage of songs in sequencers. Look under the "Votes" column to see the current count.

A user can only vote for one song once, but you can vote for all 162 if your are going to be really busy.

If people see errors, post them here or pm me.

also when referring to a song please reference my SongID, it will make it easier.

Please post the URL's to amazon for listening to these songs, this will make it easy for people to browse the Christmas Song library.


Edited by smeighan
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Got a 404 Page Not Available error when going to your song list page.

sorry, something pasted wrong.

here is link. you need to log in to nutcracker, http://meighan.net/nutcracker/, so i can record who votes for what songs.

after logging in you go to this link, http://meighan.net/nutcracker/effects/xmas_songs.php, or click on the "Christmas Songs" link in the title bar

more songs have been suggested so we are at 170 songs in the library.


Edited by smeighan
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