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Dan can you 'splain yourself?

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I'm not Dan, but what's your question? Are you questioning the need for chimes, or the price, or...??

Chimes aren't cheap. Even the standard orchestral type that you play with a mallet will run you 3 grand and up...


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Daniel wrote:

Why is he doing this? Im mean LIGHT-O-RAMA! It seams wierd that somthing like this comes up!

Why not? It's computer controlled. LOR boards are capable of controlling lots of stuff besides lights. And Dan's own Chime-O-Matic (featured on the recent HGTV special) is one of the single coolest things I've ever seen in a display.

If you're not familiar with it-- in Dan's display, people can walk up and press a big button. Whatever sequence that's playing fades out, the chimes start playing, some MIDI music plays along to accompany them, and the nearby lights dance in sync. VERY cool.

Dan also had a set of chimes at PLUS 2005 as part of his show. I'd love a set myself but not in the budget right now...

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Daniel wrote:

Why is he doing this? Im mean LIGHT-O-RAMA! It seams wierd that somthing like this comes up!

--Daniel L


These are for the commercial market. Dan made these for himself and now wants offer them to businesses, malls, etc. If you saw them in person like a lot of us got to see at PLUS 2005 you would understand how they fit in. I love them be cause they were so relaxing. :waycool:
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First, Dan has had the Chime-O-Matic for years. The one outside and it was just for his home when he did it as a hobby. Second, if you look closely at the interior one it is of extremely high quality and the finish is fantastic. You pay for that sort of thing. There is a market for high end users. Unlike us they use these in their homes, businesses, chruches, etc. and they do not go to WalMart the day after Christmas. I think that what we purchase is pretty reasonable for the quality and the service is nothing short of amazing.

Honestly, if I had his tallent I would make anything and everything I could to fit what ever market that would support it. I know I will not be buying one but sure could think of a few places in town who could use them. Oh and imagine a small town that could pipe these through a speaker system along the streets during the holidays. What a shopping mood that would create.

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