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LOR Currently supports video sync!!

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It works!!!!!

I took a wmv file and renamed it to wav. Then set up a musical sequence using the renamed wmv file as the audio file. Bingo, run the sequence, video pops up on tv out, sequence runs as normal. So, here's the big announcement, to the same extent AL does, LOR currently already supports video sync!!!!!

I have an nvidia Geforce 6800GT card and used the settings in the nvidia software to tell it to run video files full screen on the tv out. Windows XP, nothing else special. I have a video projector plugged into the svideo out on my nvidia card.

This is cool... :waycool:

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I am trying to reproduce this, and I can get the WMV files to run in a sequence. There was no need for me to rename the file to a wav. LOR supports a few more media file formats than the "file open" dialog suggests. If you browse to the folder containing a WMV file, then type the first letter of the file, it's name including the .wmv extension will be displayed in the auto fill. Just select that name and continue to set up a new sequence normally. Then you can play the wmv as an audio file in the sequencer. I think that has to do with the fact that those types of files are associated to the media player and have compatability with it.

Here's where I get off track. You say you were able to use the software for your video card to have it play video straight to the TV out... I have an S-Video out that when used gets automatically configured as a second monitor. Right now it is connected to my LCD TV and it is set up as an extension to the desktop. I cannot find a way to have the video file play through to that port...

I will look in the drivers disk for my laptop and see if I can find a utility for the video card. At least I was able to get it to play the sequence in LOR. Now if I can just figure out how to get the video out that port....

More later.... Good find though!

Thanks, Jeff

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The only video chipset I know this to work with for sure and to have the option in the driver to specify that videos play full screen on the tv out are Nvidia Geforce 5500 and up. However, I have heard that ATI cards have the same option called 'Theatre Mode' and Matrox has something similar called dvdmax?

Here are instructions if using the latest Nvidia Forceware Drivers

To view a full-screen video on one display while working on another display

  1. On the NVIDIA Control Panel Select a Category... page, select Video & Television.
    Select Modify full-screen video options to open the page.
    Select the option Also show it full-screen on: if it not already selected.
    Click the list that appears on the right of the Allow show... text and select the display on which you want view full-screen video while working on a different display.

NOTE.GIFNote: Don't choose the same display on which you want to work with other applications.

Note that you have to have your second monitor/tv in clone mode, not dualview, spanning, etc.

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My laptop has an ATI Radion Mobility X1400 with Theater mode. I have tried a few settings but can't get the video to port to the S-Video connector.

I'm hoping some of the more knowledgeable folks will know the adjustments to make this work. Have to go do some wiring across the street now. The nice neighbors are getting their Kitchen done and I'm helping out with the electrical part.

Too bad, I was having fun trying to get this to work.


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Joseph Ayo wrote:

I tried running the Theatre mode on an ATI 9250 (much newer then that other guy's) and it wouldnt work.

This laptop is 2 weeks old... much newer in what way? I stinks having to defend a poor defenseless laptop when someone makes false statements like that!
Here's a link to the Specs for my X1400

Here's the link to your 9250

I hate to burst your bubble, but the X1400 has a newer chipset, is designed for core duo and runs under Vista, I don't even see Vista as an option for the older Desktop 9200 series of cards.

So getting back on topic, I was successful in getting the video to play in the sequencer when I mirrored the displays. The problem was that I was extending the dektop. When I mirrored and selected theater mode for the S-Video connection it worked fine. I haven't tried to run the vid using the scheduler. Will add that to the things to do list. I connected my Digital display to the laptop through the DVI connector and was able to get it to work too.

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RichardH wrote:

I am guessing that this only works in the sequencer? Have you tried to do this in the scheduler like you would normally have it run?

Nope, works just as well in scheduler. It works across the board. I did rename the wmv file to wav, so I can't vouch for doing it without that step.

I was only able to make it work in clone mode, not spanning or dualview, etc.
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OK, let me see if I understand this. Everytime you play a .wmv file the computer reads it as a movie everytime. However the Light-O-Rama software does not have a video out display built in. Your video card is looking for playing video file on your computer and provides the video output. Is this right? What does t do between a movie?(song) is their a flicker or show the desktop? What if you had a movie-song-movie, what shows?


--Daniel L

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This sounds very good. If anyone has luck with this on a Dell Laptop (Mobile Intel 915GM graphics card) please shout out.

I don't seem to find the "show it full screen" options - or anything similar. My second 'display' is a VGA connected monitor, not an S-Video. I am in clone mode - not extended desktop...

I'll keep foolin' with it. Maybe I'll hook it up to my TV (via S-Vid) later, and see if the available options in the "graphics control panel" change.


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I don't believe the Intel graphics chipsets support the necessary function. Again, the only one absolutely confirmed to work is the Nvidia Geforce platform. That's what MikeZ used this past year.

Actually, Joe set me straight, you won't want to run clone mode for your second display, but dualview. If there is not a video file playing, it's going to show the desktop. So just set the taskbar to autohide, set the desktop to black or the name of your show or Merry Christmas or whatever you would want to show when there is not a video playing.

I plan to have some songs where video will not show for the entire song, but only in portions, so I will just make the video with a lot of black color panels and then put in the actual video where I want it to display.

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jeffmill wrote:

Joseph Ayo wrote:
I tried running the Theatre mode on an ATI 9250 (much newer then that other guy's) and it wouldnt work.

This laptop is 2 weeks old... much newer in what way? I stinks having to defend a poor defenseless laptop when someone makes false statements like that!
Here's a link to the Specs for my X1400

Sorry, that wasnt fair of me to assume it was newer, I was only going on the face value of the number 1400 as opposed to 9250, I know nothing about your chip, only that I had a bad experience with an ATI model. I hope there are more brands of cards capable of video.
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bhays wrote:

Wouldn't you still get a little blip when that ends and then restarts the long song?

I suppose, but It sure beats having 8-10 of those in a show...just my thought...
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bhays wrote:

Actually, Joe set me straight, you won't want to run clone mode for your second display, but dualview. If there is not a video file playing, it's going to show the desktop. So just set the taskbar to autohide, set the desktop to black or the name of your show or Merry Christmas or whatever you would want to show when there is not a video playing.

Yes... I am almost as new to this as you. I mentioned clone because Drew Hickman informed me last autumn that video was possible, and that actually he's had it working and known about it for several years and it used to work on Dasher as well but I suppose they just didnt see the demand and also the computers werent quite strong enough to handle the load in the earlier days.

I think dual view and use a background picture is the obvious way to go. I also wonder, Windows allows you to use animated GIF's for a backdrop, maybe there is a way to keep the screen "active" in between videos. Actually if you are smart about your video compression, I really dont have that bad of a problem with added delay between songs. I know Mike Z mentioned it but I got Xmas is the time to say I love you from Billy Squier.com and its 640 X 480 but not a great video (I think due to the source video tape from 1981) and the sound is poor so I loaded it into Studio 10.7 and replaced the audio with the superior audio from my CD and kept the screen resolution. The delay between songs on this early sample at play time for me is not that bad. Its got about a 4 sec delay as opposed to AL's standard 3 second. How much of a standard delay between songs to you guys have with LOR?

Hey I dont know if you are familiar with the song from Billy Squier and the MTV Chior, they filled the room with VJ's and other people in the studio and they are all dancing along and clicking thumbs while Billy sings, so I green screened in myself for a cameo appearance where I look like I am in the chorus and dubbed it into the video for my first green screen image. Its a riot but came out excellent!!
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Joseph Ayo wrote:

Windows allows you to use animated GIF's for a backdrop, maybe there is a way to keep the screen "active" in between videos.

I haven't had the opportunity to learn how it works yet, but Windows Vista has really improved on the "Slideshow" screen saver. It will now play any video in the selected directory. I had no idea until my wife walked by the machine and in screen saver mode it was playing the videos of our 2006 display.

I wonder if this could be harnessed to make a video display. It would be nice to have the video running on the second monitor all throughout the show intermingled with photos.

One question? How will some of you play the video? TV, LCD, Projector... I've looked around out front, and the only thing I can come up with is placing a 32" (CRT) TV in a front Bay window. I really don't have any room for anything else.


PS Joe, sorry for the full frontal assault... I have a hair trigger recently and I promised Chuck I wouldn't behave that way. Please accept my appologies... (Plus I have a tremendously childlike chip on my shoulder about my new Dell Laptop and Windows Vista. I'm catching flack from every direction about buying it so soon after the OS was released. It is without any doubt the most incredible thing I have ever owned in my life! The Vista Beta release of LOR even works great so far. Every day I find some new feature about Vista that's just... COOL! Sorry I lumped you in with the naysayers... you weren't even talking about the OS...)
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jeffmill wrote:

Joseph Ayo wrote:
Windows allows you to use animated GIF's for a backdrop, maybe there is a way to keep the screen "active" in between videos.

I haven't had the opportunity to learn how it works yet, but Windows Vista has really improved on the "Slideshow" screen saver. It will now play any video in the selected directory. I had no idea until my wife walked by the machine and in screen saver mode it was playing the videos of our 2006 display.

I wonder if this could be harnessed to make a video display. It would be nice to have the video running on the second monitor all throughout the show intermingled with photos.

Well the idea is to get your presentation into MPG or WMV format so that your video is predictable and choreographed with your lights. Actually we are now becoming more and more capable of making our own E-ticket ride let alone a high tech Christmas display. I think video could actually steal the attraction away from the lights and become a whole new dynamic. Story lines could be played with lights interacting with the story rather then just playing music videos.

Imagine telling the story of the Nativity (baby Jesus in the manger) in video and have a manger in the yard alter lighting in queue with what the video is showing/saying. I am going to see if I cant do both music videos but mixed in every 25 mins to 1/2 hour have it stop and do a play or story telling in such a manner. Not exactly sure how I will do it but we got the better part of the year ahead to figure something out. I want to explore the video + light interaction gig. Maybe even in the video show my face saying I can make the dancing man dance or the tree light up but this seems corny to the max. There has to be a creative way to do this, maybe with a character, santa or frosty, etc.

Certainly I am going to have to perfect getting timing down with video, like I know of songs I want to show a clip of fireworks exploding with certain events in songs. Studio 10.7 makes this easy.
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Yes, I think it's a fine line. My personal goal is to make sure to use the video sparingly enought to not let it upstage the lights, but remain an enhancement. Think of rock concerts where a large video screen is used with vignettes to introduce songs and play various little video snippets during.

I don't plan to run any music videos that span the complete length of a song, I want people to watch my entire display, not zero in on the projection screen.

A Pink Floyd tour I have on dvd where they used a large circular video screen comes to mind.

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bhays wrote:

Yes, I think it's a fine line. My personal goal is to make sure to use the video sparingly enought to not let it upstage the lights, but remain an enhancement. Think of rock concerts where a large video screen is used with vignettes to introduce songs and play various little video snippets during.

I don't plan to run any music videos that span the complete length of a song, I want people to watch my entire display, not zero in on the projection screen.

A Pink Floyd tour I have on dvd where they used a large circular video screen comes to mind.

Get this, the neighboring properties that participates in the display, was so excited over what we are doing so far, they purchased a nice 3000 ANSI projector and they also have a shed in back 15 X 35 ft they want to project onto in giant screen format (fill the entire wall). Now we just found a VGA splitter and booster and package with 150 ft VGA cable so we can simulcast the videos - one on my front wall and the other 200 ft away in the neighbor's rear yard. So if having an in sync video wasnt enough, we'll also be introducing dual in sync videos.

I want to say, video projection has been in my display for 2 seasons already, but we just ran presentation software looping every 45 seconds with information about display, web page and radio station. We been looking to sync the video since year one. It took this long to arrange the "in sync" portion because I wasnt clear as to what/why my video hardware was not compatible with this setup and to determine just now to get it to work.
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Here is a good primer for multi monitor configuration.

Orginial link:


I'm thinking that instead of using 1 duo-output video card, why not use 2 (or more) PCI video cards. You can get them on Ebay cheap.

In win98SE, (My christmas computer OS) I can have up to 9 monitors, but I dont have 9 PCI slots..oh well, I guess I will have to be limited to 5 monitors. :laughing:
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