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Nutcracker: Tutorials


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I have started making some tutorials for the Nutcracker.

This first one is an Introduction to the Nutcracker and creating a login.

The next couple will be of much mor euse.

Tutoial #1, Introduction to Nutcracker: http://screencast.com/t/aH6GXiw6jQJM

The next one is going tobe about creating the target model. I believe there is going to be some information there that some of you don't know.

stay tuned.

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Ok, Now we come to the tutorials that have more substance on them

Tutorial #2. Creating a target model http://meighan.net/nutcracker/tutorials/tutorial2.swf
Tutorial #3. Creating a target model (continued) http://meighan.net/nutcracker/tutorials/tutorial3.swf
Tutorial #4. Creating an Effect http://meighan.net/nutcracker/tutorials/tutorial4.swf
Tutorial #5. Creating an Effect (continued) http://meighan.net/nutcracker/tutorials/tutorial5.swf
Tutorial #6. Exporting your sequence http://meighan.net/nutcracker/tutorials/tutorial6.swf


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Thanks Sean for all the work!! I'm getting a warning in S2 that says "expected white space" when I try and open a recent effect. Then I noticed that "0 channels have been created for LOR" appears when I click "click here to make LOR S2 (*.lms) sequencer files". Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!

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Donny M. Carter wrote:

Thanks Sean for all the work!! I'm getting a warning in S2 that says "expected white space" when I try and open a recent effect. Then I noticed that "0 channels have been created for LOR" appears when I click "click here to make LOR S2 (*.lms) sequencer files". Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!

The issue is your effect name. You called it "Test Fly". Having embedded spaces causes the issue. It has been on my todo listo replace spaces with under scores and to upshift the effect name. So your "Test Fly" name would become "TEST_FLY".

For now enter a effect name without spaces, it will then produce an lms file for you.

I went and upshifted your name and put in the underscore so you should be good to go.

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The first tutorial i hosted on jing's web site (for free!)
Well, the fine print is only for 2 gigbytes of bandwidth. We hit that within one day.

So I have recreated tutorial #1 and moved it to meighan.net , along with the other tutorials

My current account has 1 terabyte of bandwidth/month so i think we will be ok. I have used 23 gbytes of bandwidth so far in march.

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new tutorils 7,8 and 9 added

Tutorial #1. Overview of Nutcracker and creating an account http://meighan.net/nutcracker/tutorials/tutorial1.swf
Tutorial #2. Creating a target model http://meighan.net/nutcracker/tutorials/tutorial2.swf
Tutorial #3. Creating a target model (continued) http://meighan.net/nutcracker/tutorials/tutorial3.swf
Tutorial #4. Creating an Effect, BUTTERFLY (Part 1) http://meighan.net/nutcracker/tutorials/tutorial4.swf
Tutorial #5. Creating an Effect, BUTTERFLY (Part 2) http://meighan.net/nutcracker/tutorials/tutorial5.swf
Tutorial #6. Exporting your sequence http://meighan.net/nutcracker/tutorials/tutorial6.swf

new added 3-21-12 13:00
Tutorial #7. Creating an Effect, SPIRALS (Part 1) http://meighan.net/nutcracker/tutorials/tutorial7.swf
Tutorial #8. Creating an Effect, SPIRALS (Part 2) http://meighan.net/nutcracker/tutorials/tutorial8.swf
Tutorial #9. Creating an Effect, TEXT http://meighan.net/nutcracker/tutorials/tutorial9.swf

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