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Website for all Synchronizers Idea


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I was on highcountrylights.com website and I clicked on"Other Displays To Visit" page. I think it would be great to have a website just to show where all of the sequenced light shows are around the world.

If the response has merit, maybe that could be something we all can do before Christmas 2012

if we use Google Earth couldn't we all add ourselves and have this displayed on the main page of a website?

speaking of websites if we use the TLD of .info almost any name is available

I'm not a web designer so maybe somebody who is can chime in on how this can be done.

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There are many sites out there already that are doing this.

ChristmasLightFinder.com/ is one. (It was one of the first.)

I run one at TheDisplayFinder.com (Though, it's US only at this point.)

By no means am I saying the idea has no merit. It most certainly does. Just wanted to point out there are many others out there already.

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I would create a local map of lights just for the Wheeling, Pittsburgh area, but there would be....maybe 3 of us that I know of that's synchronizing in a 60 mile area

Bob O has hit the nail on what I was thinking.

as my dad always said to me.... "Day late and a dollar short"

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