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Nutcracker: Does LOR allow a matrix of rgb values?


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Hi all;

I have the first pass of a vixen file ready. The reason? They have a simplified way of giving data to Vixen.

Basically you give one line per channel and separate the rgb values by a space.

Does LOR have anything like this? It would make my output job so much easier.

Here was thread on the vixen file:

Ok, here is first pass of a vixen vir file


This file should make a picture that looks like this

This was the target
target_name AA
total_strings 10
pixel_count 80
pixel_length 240.00
unit_of_measure in
topography UP_DOWN_NEXT

And here was effects settings
username f
user_target AA
effect_class spirals
effect_name VIXEN_VIR_TEST
handiness r
number_spirals 4
number_rotations 2
spiral_thickness 2
window_degrees 180
start_color #FF147A
end_color #FFF712
frame_delay 5
direction cw
use_background y
background_color #80FF84
sequence_duratio 6.5
submit Submit Form to create your target model

I am not releasing the code yet , because any bigger trees uses up all the memory. I will need to put the effect models you create into a database also.

I dont know vixen well enough to see how to load this

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