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Making a sequencer template???

Chris B

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Is it possible to make a template in the sequencer (channel assignments) that can be carried on from new sequence to new sequence? I guess to better understand what i mean is if i assign all channels on the left and make the channel buttons there appropriate colors is there a way to carry that over to a new sequence page without having to re-assign all of the channels again?

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Ok, once you've got your [highlight= #88FF88]layout[/highlight]/channels the way you want them, go to Edit, Export/Import [highlight= #88FFFF]Channel[/highlight] [highlight= #88FF88]Layout[/highlight].. click Export, name your [highlight= #88FF88]layout[/highlight] then [highlight= #FFFF88]save[/highlight] it in the Sequences folder (I think thats the default), then in the main LOR folder as a backup.. that way, if it's accidently overwritten (um, has NOT happened to me.. today...) then when you create a new sequence and it asks for authors name, number of channels, etc, there's a window to import your [highlight= #88FF88]layout[/highlight].. click to open, find your saved [highlight= #88FFFF]channel[/highlight] [highlight= #88FF88]layout[/highlight], import it and you begin with your own [highlight= #88FF88]layout[/highlight].

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Also once you have set it that way, I would suggest you click the button in the bottom left of that screen that says save as default! That way everytime you open a new sequence it by default knows what channels to use! This is a great feature that will make your life a ton easier if you havnt found it yet!

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