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Mega tree set up

Chris Eckley

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well guys ive spent the last last 3 days looking over the forums for this information but have failed. So my question is i am building a mega tree this year, and just wanted to make sure i had it programmed correctly. Im using 12 channels on a 26'4" tree. Dont ask me how i came up with that, but the numbers dont like. But anyway was just curious if someone could send me just a small sequence with just your mega tree, or something along that line. I believe i have how to make it "spin" ramp, ect.ect.ect. I do have 3 extra channels that maybe used on the tree. well i have 3 extra channels as of right now depending on what my kids decide to make me put up this year. But thanks in advanced.


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Hey Chris,
Can you push it to 16 channels? :-)
A lot of people use multiples of 8 channel for the trees, so if you have 16 channels then you will find a bunch more sequences and patterns that you would not have to modify.

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