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How big will your RGB mega-tree be?


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I have started a thread and a poll at http://diylightanimation.com/index.php?topic=7786.0 to find how big your mega-tree will be. This will help in knowing the limits i need to plan for in RGBSB (http://meighan.net/seqbuilder/index.php)

I asked this question in the other thread
"Does anyone know if there has been a performance test for lag between LOR, LSP, Xlight and Vixen as it drives more and more strings of RGB? What would be a practical upper limit for my design. The tool can handle 64 strands now, i just dont want to generate that much data.
If the tree in this video was 64 strands with say 127 pixels, i would have 8128 channels in Vixen, 24,284 channels in LOR (one channel for each R,G,:P.

Is there any design specs i should know about for the upper limits of LOR,LSP,Vixen,Xlights? I assume there would be multiple E1.31 controllers for something like this."


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I am currently in the process of working on my first RGB project. A megatree using the GE ce35 lights. I am going 16 pixels high, the spacing on the lights is 10 inches. Right now I am going with 24 strings. Total pixel count is 384. One E1.31 controller will control it. I already have at least 2 days in the setup and visualizer setup and it isn't finished yet.

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Uh huh... Sean is trying to find out how many lights everyone is using so he can make his bigger. I plan on 10 lights total for our 14 inch megatree...

;-) Logan

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LOL, good one Logan.

I dont think i will have a limit in the current software. I can create a 32 strand tree with 60 nodes, build the math model, match the data and produce an xml file in about 10 seconds . It is more than just the sizes, i was wondering if there are things i might be able to help with (like not putting out 200 channels all on the same centisecond). I think i will build a 128 strand tree with 128 nodes on each one and use that as my performance benchmark for my tool. As long as that can finish in a couple of minutes i am probably good. My slowness is in creating all the png files to try and allow people to see what it might look like. If i were not making pictures the whole thing runs in seconds.

BTW, i can model your 10 node tree if u want, *smile*



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For the LOR users, they will most likely have their tree or prop drawn in the LOR visualizer too. So your site drawing could have an option to fast draw a lessor version just to get the motion down. Creating and serving a lot of pngs can take a lot of bandwidth.

Once the output is included into an lor sequence it will be viewed along with other effects and with the music.

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