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leds that dont fade or shimmer


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i have brought some led string lights that dont fade or shimmer has anyone had this problem and can shine some light on my problem

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There is a few posts on this over at Planet Christmas forums, if you cant find them I will look them up. I know the Martha Stewart Leds dont fade. The post that I am refering to goes in depth, not very easy to fix if I remember right.

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thanks doug i just took a quick look im going to read the lot now i thought i might of been able to put a 1w resistor (snubber)on the end of the strings but it looks like that wont work now

thanks again

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It's got to be something to do with the transformer as I have another set of LEDs made by a different company and if I plug the lights into that one they work fine but have a little flicker

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If you are going to buy from retail stores. I would take a lamp dimmer cord with you. Most hardware stores sells them for 5 bucks. That way you will know before you buy if they dim or not.

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digdeepfundraising wrote:

It's got to be something to do with the transformer as I have another set of LEDs made by a different company and if I plug the lights into that one they work fine but have a little flicker

Hmm, transformer? That's a new one on me.
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I think I see where this is going.. if those lights have a transformer and little hand controller to change the color, chase, etc, you cant use them with LOR.. you'll burn up one or both. You might be able to use them with a 12v DC LOR controller (CMB16D-QC) but as to using an AC controller, you're out of luck.

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yep as im in the uk they have stupid transformers on them to drop them down to 12v or 24v i have now learnt that they are no good so they all went out the window and im about to but a whole shed load from the us and run my whole set up on 110v

but cheers all for the info


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The flicker is due to the rectification. LED's come in full-wave rectified and half-wave rectified versions. The truth of the matter is that ALL LED's flicker, but those that are full-wave rectified do so at a faster refresh rate that the eye can't detect.

It's really just like your computer display, where the pixels aren't on all the time even though your eyes think they are. :)

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digdeepfundraising wrote:

i have brought some led string lights that dont fade or shimmer has anyone had this problem and can shine some light on my problem

Not LED strings, but some LED walkway lights that I have absolutely will not fade. They are either on or off. As soon as I fade up more than a couple percent, they come on full. These are Mailbu Lights model 8401-9403-01. 1 watt "Premium Metal Desk Light". Opened one up and there is circuit board that takes the supplied 12VAC and makes DC for the LED. Several capacitors and transistors. Didn't bother tracing it out as on or off was fine for the application They will end up on digital outputs on a Servo Dog so they will be driven either on or off anyway.

In other words, there are some LED devices that can NOT be dimmed at all.
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