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Drawing a curved string of lights fixture

Rick Hughes

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I'm really delighted with the Visualizer and think I've found most of the things I need.


Is there a way to draw a string of lights which is curved? For example, if I have a swag of lights between two posts, how can I draw them as a fixture?

I tried an Arch but it has a minimum of 4 segments and I think it would be difficult to assign channels to reflect chasing C7s along the entire distance (versus individual segments).

If you see my profile picture to the left, one of the items I'm trying to model is the swags of greenery on the front railing - which have a 4-color chase of C7s.

Any pointers or suggested approaches?

Again, many thanks.


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I take it the lights in the swag will be individually controlled?

"I think it would be difficult to assign channels to reflect chasing C7s along the entire distance"

How many bulbs will you have?

You can insert individual bulbs...

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There is a line of 4-color chase along the upper edge, about 40 bulbs per swag. There are seven swags (including the ends of the porch)

And there is a line of 4-channel clear chase along the lower edge, about 50 bulbs per swag.

I guessing that you're right - individual bulbs may be the approach. Labor intensive to be sure, but it's a one time effort.

Unless other solutions are offered up? << hopeful >>

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Thanks Jeff ... that will do it quite nicely, that it's the last piece of my 'stage' which needed to be created.

This Visualizer is pretty snazzy :-)

Thanks again, to everyone for suggestions.


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I'll add 'Swags' to the wishlist.

Unfortunately, the Vis is a straight line beast and doesn't really do 'curves'. Jeff's solution is of course the best, and we can always add a 'swag' fixture to the sticky at the top of the forum.

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Jeff Millard wrote:

IE: Use any image editing software to blow-up the feature you want to create. In your case a zoom of your swags. Creat a new visualizer image with the larger swag as the background. Select the "Draw Light Strings" tool and click the starting point, then repeatedly (up to 256) click along the swag all the way to the end. Try to be as uniform as you can be. Double-click the last vertice. (A vertice is the little green square at each angle created as you click) Click OK to accept 'new fixture" Use the Fixture properties to set up the string and click OK. Now select the fixture by clicking on it. As soon as it's selected you can make fine adjustments to the vertices to shape it better. Click on the line to add vertices, double-click on a vertice to delete it. Darg it to adjust it's position.


Holy heck this is genius! I was trying to make a few objects last night and the fine details were getting quickly on my nerves! I wasn't bright enough to just step back and reverse engineer them. That's a great tip for anyone trying to make props.
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