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Inserting a timing mark elsewhere in a sequence


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have one at the top of my sequence and did a copy/paste to my tree topper midway. I am adding 32 more channels and need to add a timing mark elsewhere, what is the best way to do that?

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To insert a timing mark into a timing grid simply right click in the sequence, and select the add timing mark* option.

Adding a timing mark wouldn't have anything to do with adding channels, though. The two events are separate.

*Still no LOR with me. Forget what it's called.

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I'm not at home either but I do have the manual here:

Insert Timing at ...

[align=left]This item on the right-click context menu can be used to insert a timing into the sequence. It opens a dialog asking you for the time that you want to insert a timing at (defaulting to the time that you right-clicked when opening the context menu).[/align]

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Note that you'll have to be using a freeform timing grid, not a fixed timing grid, in order to insert a timing. Info on that sort of thing (and more about timings) can be found here.

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all this advice is helpful but I am not explaining myself particularly well. took car of it Old School. Probably used the wrong word but I used the beat wizard and have a channel with the timing "mark" per se but wanted to copy that elsewhere in the sequence. thought there might be an easy way to do that but instead inserted a 'blank' channel and did a copy and paste there.

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