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FM transmitter torn apart!!


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So my Step Son decides he wants to know how my EDM transmitter works...so he took it apart (without my permission) and has damaged it...I asked him "WTH were you thinking???". Tried to get it to work but no luck.  Does any one in the DFW area have an extra FM transmitter they are not using that I can borrow for the remainder of the season??  Thanks in advance for any help.

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This is the kid that is going to be an inventor. I knew a couple like that and ended up being a master in there fields. Don't be to hard on him, he's interested which shows ambition.

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Ouch.. Have to agree with bdeditch. He just needs to grow up some and understand that was a bad choice of things to learn on. See if you cant get him some old junk or working stuff like an old computer. Let it tear it apart. Dont know his age but might be something that does not have lethal voltages. I wish my parents would have supported my interest. I suppose cause they themselves didn't understand electric / electronics they didn't know how to be supportive.

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Thanks Don...Darren Vader loaned me one of his extra one. Yea I hope he was just wanting to learn. I gave him a couple of old car stereos to take apart. Merry Christmas!!!

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If you put your city/town in your profile, we'll know if you're close to any other LOR users to be able to help in case of trouble, or even to give yer kid an old computer to experiment on (I have 3 or 4 spares here)

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