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S3 error with Sequence


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After about an hour of the show, it freezes at the start of the repeated show and gives me this error:

5:44:41 PM: ERROR WITH SEQUENCE (Error playing media file: Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There might not be a sound device installed on your computer, it might be in use by another program, or it might not be functioning properly.) Musical: C:LightSequencesLittle Drummer Boy.lms.lcs
5:44:41 PM: ERROR WITH SEQUENCE (Error playing media file: Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There might not be a sound device installed on your computer, it might be in use by another program, or it might not be functioning properly.) Musical: C:LightSequencesLittle Drummer Boy.lms.lcs
5:44:41 PM: ERROR WITH SEQUENCE (Error playing media file: Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There might not be a sound device installed on your computer, it might be in use by another program, or it might not be functioning properly.) Musical: C:LightSequencesLittle Drummer Boy.lms.lcs
5:44:41 PM: ERROR WITH SEQUENCE (Error playing media file: Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There might not be a sound device installed on your computer, it might be in use by another program, or it might not be functioning properly.) Musical: C:LightSequencesLittle Drummer Boy.lms.lcs
5:44:41 PM: ERROR WITH SEQUENCE (Error playing media file: Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There might not be a sound device installed on your computer, it might be in use by another program, or it might not be functioning properly.) Musical: C:LightSequencesLittle Drummer Boy.lms.lcs
5:44:41 PM: ERROR WITH SEQUENCE (Error playing media file: Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There might not be a sound device installed on your computer, it might be in use by another program, or it might not be functioning properly.) Musical: C:LightSequencesLittle Drummer Boy.lms.lcs
5:44:41 PM: ERROR WITH SEQUENCE (Error playing media file: Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There might not be a sound device installed on your computer, it might be in use by another program, or it might not be functioning properly.) Musical: C:LightSequencesLittle Drummer Boy.lms.lcs
5:44:41 PM: ERROR WITH SEQUENCE (Error playing media file: Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There might not be a sound device installed on your computer, it might be in use by another program, or it might not be functioning properly.) Musical: C:LightSequencesLittle Drummer Boy.lms.lcs
5:44:41 PM: Immediate shutdown requested
5:44:41 PM: Show Player shutting down

I have tried different bit rate mp3's, wavs and wma files and still am getting this.

reinstalled sound drivers without luck.

I also tried swapping computers as well and same result.

I'm running windows xp pro with all of it's updates. Also running LOR 3.1.4.

Even in sequence editor, I tried just running it from there manually and it stops there too after a given amount of time.

I then made sure my computer wasn't going to sleep and turned "always on" in both settings of my power management.

Please help

Attached files Tron.lms

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No, it's the only thing running. I remote desktop to it sometimes but I tell the remote desktop to keep the sound at the LOR computer.

I'm also shutting down all but essential startup processes in my msconfig file.

I just downgraded to 2.9.4 and I am test it as we speak.

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Just to make sure, you are running Windows Media Player 11. I had the same thing happen on my XP computer and it turned out to be Flash Player causing the problem. After updating to Flash Player 11.1 the problem went away.

good luck

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I'm wondering if maybe something is happining during production. I write my sequences on a 64 bit win7 computer and then update the remote LOR computer. I have all the directories pointed in the same location C://Light.

I would think that since it works for a while that the sequence is finding the files just fine.

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Do you have any software running in the background related to music? (i.e., Zune or iTunes) They may be scanning your audio files for their libraries and blocking access momentarily.

Look in Task Manager and you can temporarily kill them there. (until next reboot)

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Bummer! Same error after running for about 10 hours. I guess thats better than the latest version.

Also to reset it, I just have to go into the Control Panel and disable shows then re-enable shows and it runs again.

Any other ideas?

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I may have isolated the problem. I remote desktop to the LOR computer keeping the sound at the LOR computer. When I log off or disconnect the remote connection is when I get this error. I don't want to keep two computers up and running and I don't have a monitor connected to the LOR computer either. Somewhere my LOR computer is dependent on my Main computer being connected to it.

Any ideas here?

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So you have 2 computer networked, and when you shutdown the non-show computer you get the error? Could it be that the sequences are looking for the music files on the non-show computer and when you shut it down they can't find the media files? That assumes that you only get the error if you shutdown the non-show computer, or loose the link.

Try reassigning the media files to make sure they are looking on the show computer would be solution if that's the problem.

Good luck!

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One of our partners and beta tester was having a similar problem. The two may not be related, but you can try this:

1 - Find and delete the .lcs file for the sequence in question. For your example, delete: C:LightSequencesLittle Drummer Boy.lms.lcs

2 - Open the sequence in the Sequence Editor

3 - Make a change to a cell (IE, turn it on, then go ahead and turn it back off). This flags the sequence as 'changed'.

4 - Save the sequence. That will re-create the .lcs file. Exit the sequence editor.

5 - Allow the show to run and see if this corrects the problem.

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I know with my computer sometimes when I log into the remote software my shows will shut down. Not sure if mabey one of your computers could be "auto logging in" and that could be stoping the show. This probpaly isn't your problem, just a thought I had.

I am using Splashtop.

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I tried and replaced the .lcs files and it's still doing it. I might be in luck with the splashtop remote. It's testing as I write this. So far so good.
The problem might be in the windows remote desktop and how it leaves the sound at the remote computer. When I bring to sound to my pc, it runs fine but when I leave it on the LOR computer, that's when it has problems.
I'll let you know how the Splashtop remote handles the issue. Thanks

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I am also having the same type of issue, however I am only running a single computer, stand alone laptop. Everything runs fine for a couple of hours then I get the same type of behavior. I just started doing this so I am not at all confident. If I stop the show and restart it it runs fine for about 2 hours. I am running 7 seq's totaling just over 18 min.s restarting every 1/2 hour. lights set to off between shows. Show built with SSB. Thanks for any input.:)

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I was getting this exact error before. On your show computer, try opening the .lms file in the sequence editor, and go to edit>media file and open the music from the exact same directory it was, and save. This worked for me, Maybe it updated the .lcs file?

At the end of the season, Im going to run the same scenario and see if the problem occurs again. DevMike thought it could be incorrect placement of the audio, but the sequence editor would play the audio fine before I reloaded the media file, so i'm still confused on that.

Anyway, it's a longshot, but let me know if it helps.

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You mentioned that you were using a 64 bit OS. You will need to back and remake your media file with the BETA version 1.3 from Audacity which was released due to issues with Windows 7, and Vista problems. If your originally converted your media to an MP3 with Audacity 1.26 or earlier versions go to Audacity and get the latest Beta version, and also after you install that get the new LAME drivers specific to this version as well. The Audacity website has alot of good information and directions on everything. Essentially the older media files are not recognized by Windows 7 as they should be, and especially with a 64 bit OS. I had similar issues and could get a Windows 7 machine with 32 bit to work, but not a 64 bit OS on another laptop. Once I did up upgrades, redid the media to WAV file Export from Audacity and changed my sequences to recognize the new WAV media files the freeze up stopped in my shows. Note that there are minimum Ram Processor speeds listed in the Audacity information that you need to be aware of also. More info at http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/features-1.3-a#details

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