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Channel coming on when it's not supposed to


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I have a channel coming on during certain parts of my sequence that's not supposed to be coming on. It's on one of my arches and I have all channels on all arches sequenced to do the same thing. I've checked the channel config and it's correct. It's a shared sequence. I deleted all the controllers except the ones I'm using, copied one of the arch sequenceing and pasted it to the rest and it's still coming on. I don't really want to do a reset if I don't have to. I've checked the controller in the hardware utility and find nothing wrong with any of the channels. I'm using S3 latest version.

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Is it happening in the same part of the sequence? I would run the LOR verifier and see what it says. The verifier has helped me find things that I missed.

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Thank you so much. I found the problem when I ran the verifier. Seems I overlooked it when I checked the channel cofiguration.

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