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I'm in Las Vegas and have no lights, HELP! :(


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This is my first year using LOR. Super excited and yet apologize for my newbie-ness.

I've got 6 controllers. 96 channels total.

Using PC to control them for now, and can get them all to respond properly with HU.

I only have 3 sequences programmed currently. When I run it, only 2 of the 6 controllers are firing lights on. All boxes are solid LED light showing that they are receiving signal.

The controllers are currently plugged in the sequence 6, 4, 3, 1, 2, 5. And yet only 1 & 2 are turning lights on during sequences.

1 & 2 are brand new boxes. The others are less than 3 years old but I bought them used.

I'm thinking I did something incorrectly in the programming? Or is it maybe the used controllers are retaining previous information from the previous other. (I figured that less likely since I can communicate properly with the controllers when using HU)

I would love any help you guys can offer. Thanks in advance.


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What is your license level?

I'm guessing it's "Basic" as the Basic license will support two controllers only. (Well, there's more there, but that's for later.)

If you want to run 6 controllers, you will need to upgrade to a "Standard" license.

You can do that here: http://store.lightorama.com/s2soup.html

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Thank you for the response.

I feel like an idiot for 2 reasons. LOL....

1. Not realizing there was a difference with the software when it is clearly written on the website.

2. Spending 6 hours in the yard yesterday trying to troubleshoot my problem by switching CAT5 cables, resetting controllers, etc.

I won't be able to test the system for a few hours yet, but I am presuming that it will all run with no hiccups. I will let you know.


p.s. Sorry for the double post of the topic... damn newbies.

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