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Houston we have another problem


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One of my trees with C7s on it had a problem last night and tripped the breaker on that side of the controller. Today when I checked it I found a bulb was broke off and the socket was full of water. I fixed it and when I plugged it back into the controller the tree was on. The computer wasn't even hooked up. What have I Done? Last year went without a hitch but this year it is one thing after another.

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If one channel is staying 'on' when no computer is connected (or the controller is not otherwise receiving a command to turn that channel on) then the triac was most likely blown.

The two most reasonable choices would be to use a spare channel, or ask LOR to ship you a new triac and replace it yourself. (Caution: Requires soldering skills.)

If those are not an option, then you will most likely end up simply not using that channel for the rest of the season.

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moved my sign to the stuck channel and copied the sequnce to the sign channel. Is it a simple fix or will I need to send the controler off and to who? will wait untill january to repair it.


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Those who have soldering skills say that it is an easy fix. (I don't solder, so I wouldn't know.)

You can send the unit back to LOR for repair.

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