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Weird Things........


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Hi All,

Had a small glitch just then...... Left my controller on all day instead of turning it off as usual.... Whenever a sequence finishes or the hardware utility is closed (All channels off) my controller leaves a channel on....

I re-pluged them all in and check my cable run....

Just Weird... Why would this happen?? Do i need new firm wear for the controller i'm on 2.9.4

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Is the one channel on at full intensity or some level less? If on some level less, then if you run that channel in test does it shimmer, twinkle and do full on? If so then I would say the triac on that channel is bad.

If you will modify your profile to give you location. Just maybe there will be another LOR user near you that would be willing to assist.

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It's on a new commercial / pro grade 15 channel australian controller...... It is working fine now... I think / Hope javascript:emoticon(':]',%20'images/emoticons/big_grin.gif')

I shall see tonight!

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Not just on G-3, mine are G2 v4, and I had to unplug those channels cause when they powered up, they then stayed on. Could not even turn off, by disabling show. Happening only on 2 of 4 of the new controllers I ordered this year. Verifier said no problems. I have a total of 9 controllers, no problems on them either.

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Pipelayer. Having same problem with 2 controllers. Another was acting up but it is working fine now. Have 2 replacements on the way

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Have made a discovery that all 4 of my new controllers, never had reset jumpers on the pins on the boards, not really sure how they ran. Have enclosed a pic of my controller, as the pins where actually running horizontial instead of vertically on the board. installed pin on the 2nd set of pins from the left and it cured my problems for now it seems anyway.

Attached files 288770=15984-Photo195.jpg

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papap wrote:

I tried moving the jumper to make unit reset. But I do not think it resets because the unit ID does not change.

Which controller are you referring to. 16xx series or the PC series. Gen 2 or Gen 3.

If I remember correctly, (been so long since I've had to reset any of my controllers) I don't think a reset will change the controller ID on a Gen 1 or Gen 2 PC controller.

With those, the flicker pattern of the LED reports the reset results.
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I have tried resetting it by taking the jumper off and by moving it. Not luck. The are sending me new boards. He said he thinks the Traci was fixing to go out. Hope they are in tomorrow and also hope no more go out

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Pipelayer wrote:

Have made a discovery that all 4 of my new controllers, never had reset jumpers on the pins on the boards, not really sure how they ran. Have enclosed a pic of my controller, as the pins where actually running horizontial instead of vertically on the board. installed pin on the 2nd set of pins from the left and it cured my problems for now it seems anyway.

Those boots on the Cat5 could possibly cause some communcation problems in the future.

I usually slide the book back on the cable so they don't interfere when I plug the cable in to the jack.

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