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Off-Line for about 5-9 days

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We're making the final move of everything on Saturday to our House, unfortunately the new cable company is being a pain in the you know what and won't come out and install the cable TV/Internet and Phone service until around 12/11-12/12 with a timeframe of 7am-9pm for either day. They stated they may be able to get to use prior to 12/11, but no guarantees, that it could be anywhere from 5-9 days before they can do the installation.

So that means as of tonight, Friday 12/2/2011 about 10pm when I start dismantling the computer for it's move, I won't have internet access for at least 5-9 days, so to anyone I've been communicating with in PM's or via e-mail discussions, I have not forgotten you, just have no access for a while.

Just want everyone to know what's going on for those I've been in close contact with.

I sure hope it is sooner as there is no place close enough within walking distance of the house to get free wi-fi access, already looked and all are secured systems, At the apartment we had a few free access wi-fi points from some locations around us, so I'm going to go into withdrawal by about the 3rd day of NOT knowing what's going on for a bit!

I'll be back as soon as I can.

See ya folks in about a week or two.

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ItsMeBobO wrote:

Good luck with the move. And I hope you get your hook up fast. I can hardly go an hour without checking my mail.

I agree.
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Bob Hall wrote:

Hey, is this the time when we can say anything about Orville?

Just kidding. Good luck and hope you can get hooked up sooner than scheduled.

I'll admit that that was my first thought too.

Fortunately he got his heart checked out earlier this year so moving all the boxes shouldn't cause any heart attacks! :)

Pretty ironic that the week he is isn't here is when the auto-sequencer was perfected and released...too bad it is only available for download this week. :)

Hope the move went well Orv.
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