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I have the lights up, the LOR software. How do I get the music to play outside? Also, does anyone have any sequences they are willing to share with me to get me going this year? And if so how do I load them into my LOR software?:shock:

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Well Being a newbie myself I would have to ask first off how many channels do you have?

You can get the music playing outside by either connecting speakers directly to your computer or with an FM Transmitter.

And you can search this forum and many videos on youtube that can help you get your sequences loaded and running.

You can alos do a search on this forum for sequences and find some links for free ones.

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You must go into the sequence and make sure the media file is ;inked with the sequences. If not go to EDIT, MEDIA FILE, then select the audio file.
To get the sequence outside you can use the simple show builder to create a show. Make sure you have the control panel open and enabled.

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