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Registration error

Alan Hanson

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Last night I upgraded to superstar 2 ribbon from the advanced edition. I pruchased the upgrade via paypal which is a different email addy to what is linked to my LOR. After much stuffing around, failed attempts, offline registration, more failed attempt, another offline registration I sent the following email which got auto-repsonded to which didn't help me. It replied with the same details that didn't work. Names, numbers, faces and email addys changed to protect the innocent.

Hi I just upgraded my s3 to include superstar and followed the incorrect instructions that came with the email.
Thank you for purchasing a 5 seat license for Light-O-Rama Demowith SuperStar 2_CCR.
To use your new license, please open the Light-O-Rama SequenceEditor, click on the 'Help' menu, and select 'Register Light-O-Rama'.
Copy and paste the following information in the window that opens:
Name:Alan etc

License Key:215DA- etc

I was unaware that superstar was required to get auto sequencer as I didn't have the software to try so i missed out on the cheap upgrade and 2 ribbon deal but thats off topic.The options that I have as I already have a registered S3 isopen editor, click on help, select Upgrade Light-O-Rama. An error (sort of) box appears saying that i have advanced version and use dialog that appears when u close message. I click on okay. I enter the details via typing or copy and paste and the following registration error popup appears.
Unable to complete request.Successive attempts without closing down the register screen give me the following error.Still executing last request
I did an offline registration with the tool. See attached image. that was all good except it didn't work. Everything went in as expected but i end up with the old license still of 6563F- etc

My purchase was paid for with my wol******@tpg.com.au email address attached to it. My lor account is linked to this email han****@tpg.com.au . There is no way that I saw that it is possible for me to change the linking from the payment email to registered email.
Getting sick of the drama
Hopefully thanks in advance

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If the SuperStar license was purchased with a different address than the original license was, things won't work as well as they should.

I suggest opening up a ticket on our help desk, explaining that you purchased the main license with one email address, and SuperStar with another, and that you need it set up so that one single license works for both SuperStar and the rest of LOR. Tell them the email addresses that you used and any other applicable license info.

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I have now opened a support ticket which I fully expect won't get looked at anytime before I switch on my lights in 12hrs. While typing out the ticket I received a further 15 automated response emails. Every one of them is identical and every one of them had the same details in it which don't work. Between the inability to actually save sequences with superstar and the fact that dmx channels stopped working between 3.02 and 3.12 I look like having half my lights working at switch on it 12hrs.

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Thx Bob. That didn't help though. I've redone the ticket with info that it isn't the s3 license that is the problem. It is my 2 day old purchase of the 2 ccr superstar upgrade that doesn't work.

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I don't see your reply in the ticket after my reply. Did you read the reply that I put into the ticket? Did you try the things I said in there? If so, please let me know specifically what is going wrong. For example, if it gives you an error message, let me know what it says, exactly, word for word.

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If you haven't checked the ticket since the stuff about the phone number, please do so. It turns out that my work phone will not allow me to place an international call, so I suggested a different way to do what we need to do in another post in that ticket.

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