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FM Transmitter Antennae


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I have a Ramsey FM Transmitter and I keep it inside at a window at the front of my house. I am getting sick of my stupid cat bumping into it and knocking the antennae down (has the metal telescoping antennae with a swiveling 90 degree joint and a BNC Connection) between us I think the little ##*#*#***## knocks it down on purpose because he likes my wife better than me.

Anyway I bought some BNC Cable and a double female connector with the hopes of running the wire for the antennae to the exterior of the house. Not only will it stay stationary out there but I figure it might give me a little more range.

My question is .... would the antennae be ok outside or should I do my best to keep it out of the weather? I would like to secure it to a stake and have it out in the flower bed but if you guys think it should be out of the weather as much as possible I can maybe find a spot for it under on the porch

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The only problem with it being in the weather is that it will rust and need to be replaced. I only got two years out of my rabbit-ear job before it rusted out. But that's okay, because it led me to get a Ramsey j-pole antenna kit and that baby rocks.

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Guest Don Gillespie

George Simmons wrote:

Here's where I got mine. Rudimenntary soldering skills are all that's needed.


George I have ordered one the J pole anteneas hasn't arrived yet, last night during routine testing I noticed a small static in my radio when listening to my show will this cure this? I can not figure out where the static is coming from.
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  • 2 months later...

Robin wrote:

Get yourself a J Pole...

+1,+1,+1,+1, etc.

Amen and good night!

For the price, a J-pole can't be beat! Commercial broadcast quality on a shoestring budget - what's there not to like about that?
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Jeff Spooner wrote:

Jeff Millard wrote:
I'm on the other side of th Delaware. What freq will you be transmitting on? The radio stations in the Philly area stink and you display might be worth listening to. It's certain I'll be able to hear it.


How much did you pay for that thing?? Hopefully not much so you will have some left to pay for the fines. I might be able to even pick it up in Ohio on a clear night. I think it was Orville (or maybe somebody else) that had an overpowered transmitter but heard some of the horror stories about what could happen to such an owner of one--think he switched since then. Maybe he will chime in on the discussion.
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james campbell wrote:

yikes better have a license to run that monster:) really 100 watts

Not to mention a bigger antenna than a J-pole

I'd get started now - the permits and such shouldn't take more than a couple years.
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IM GOING INTO MY SECOND YEAR OF THIS BLINKY FLASHY LIGHT STUFF I KNOW WHAT WORKS FOR ME MAY NOT WORK FOR SOME but i can tell you this yes steel will rust if let to its demise in the weather the link below is what i was advised to get when i first started out this antenna is made of non rusting materials is tunable across the fm band for the lowest vswr when ever teamed with an edm transmitter im not going to tell how far it goes(im very pleased)to the thread sarter who has a Ramsay you have my condolences.http://www.fmdxantenna.com/proddetail.php?prod=14tun#.TzXjTvmCBAA

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Or, you could get a thumb tack and press it into the sheet rock about say 3" above the tip of the antenna. Then use some thread, or dental floss (waxed or non-waxed) and tie the tip of antenna to thumb tack. Surely a low cost, low tech way of fixing the cat problem. Any yes, the telescoping antenna will rust in short period of time. And the J-Pole antenna has gain, and you have to run the coax out of the house making a hole in the wall.

BTW love that 100 watt transmitter. No static and well, lets just say job security for the local FCC field office.

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well don to tell you the truth i don t have a hole in my house this year Irene renumber Irene saw fit to drop a 90 foot oak tree on my house i had to rebuild the frount half of it while doing that i planed ahead and had in wall connectors installed during the rebuild 2 cat 5 1 coax 2 tru wall double sided 110 sockets power from controller for edm but like i said what works for me might not work for every body thanks for the response

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