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Snubber location


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I went outside this AM and found that my LED snowflake on the chimney was on. The odd part is that the other snowflakes, plugged into the same cord were off. I'll be resetting the controller, but wanted to know if it matters where on the circuit a snubber is placed. I have one more point on the tri-tap that I can place a snubber, but it would be before the LED's.

Tom Straub

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The last time I remember a phantom load position making any difference, it turned out that the hot and neutral to the controller was reversed. So that the neutral lead to the display item was hot, and an item was lighting due to leakage to ground..

Especially where you have one item on the same cord lighting up, I think you may have hot & neutral reversed, and only one item has found a path to ground to light up through.

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Okay. Reset controller 1 (1602W) Nothing changed in there since last year. Added Snubber to circuit and the dang thing is doing the same dang thing. RATS! Strangely enought, have swapped with another set of lights off the same controller and it does the same dang thing.

Any other ideas?

Tom Straub

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Well, talked to LOR Tech Support and most likely it a partially blown Triac. Swap #6 controller and re-numbered to #1 and moved the 1602W to the backyard as #6. So show should be good to go tonight!

Tom Straub

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