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Lowe's sale on lights???


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I just ran to Lowes to pick up some more mini incans, and to my surprise they rang up with a .70 discount. 1.99 vs. 2.69. Sweet!

See sales slip attached.

Attached files 285939=15837-LowesReceipt.JPG

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My tree stand came with one of those Santa Watering things. I use a long, narrow automotive funnel with a piece of 3/4" pvc to extend it. It is all black and not even noticable in the tree.

Saw the incans on sale at my Lowes too. Saving for LEDs though.

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I went to my local Lowe's friday to get some of clear minis on sale for $1.99. They were out and not getting anymore.


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Went into Lowes Friday night, bought 36 boxes of the GE 50 Led strings, 2 100 scount strings, a bunch of random stuff like the sign for the FM channel, zip ties, and blah blah blah. Had a full cart of lights went to the check out ran into the manager whom i dont know and he asked what I was up to. Showed him some of the videos you guys have as its my first year trying it out. He asked if theres anything else he can help me find anything else, I stated a discount. Must have been the right time of the day. Asked me if I have a Lowes card, I did not. He stated sign up Ill give you 25% off the order. So I did. Never hurts to ask! Saved me 200 bucks, now that I look back should have picked up a few refidgerators and appliances!

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GoofyGuy wrote:

Went into Lowes Friday night, bought 36 boxes of the GE 50 Led strings, 2 100 scount strings, a bunch of random stuff like the sign for the FM channel, zip ties, and blah blah blah. Had a full cart of lights went to the check out ran into the manager whom i dont know and he asked what I was up to. Showed him some of the videos you guys have as its my first year trying it out. He asked if theres anything else he can help me find anything else, I stated a discount. Must have been the right time of the day. Asked me if I have a Lowes card, I did not. He stated sign up Ill give you 25% off the order. So I did. Never hurts to ask! Saved me 200 bucks, now that I look back should have picked up a few refidgerators and appliances!

Sweet deal Gooofy! All the Lowes Checkout peeps know me , do you think one would ever call over the manager and say..hey, customer of the month is here, how about cutting him a break, more than the 5% i get with my card! They always say at the end...thanks for shopping at Lowes...I'm sure I'll be seeing you soon!
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Just like I said, caught him at the right time I guess. I had one set of LEDs fail on me already, Im sure it was my fault I have them pulled tight as a drum on the displays. Now I need to find a camera that can record them, both of mine are terrible at capturing the dimming/shimmering effects.

On a side note, I went back and he would not give me another discount. Luckily I got all I needed Friday night! I went back to buy some chain for the controllers, 10 more boxes of the 50 count LEDs to make sure I have backup.

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Go to your local post office and get a change of address kit. Inside is a 10% discount card for Lowe's. They take it at time of purchase, but you can "move" as many times as you need.

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