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Is This Hard ware or Software

crazy man

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I have 4 arches the third in the sequence is off beat, they all have 7 channels and the third arch top dead center (only) comes on about one to two seconds late, chanel 1 fires, 2 fires, 3 fires and 4 is off 5,6, and 7 are all on. the other three arches are perfect, I checked the sequences for the songs and they are all ok, some parts of a song they will work correct then off again, is something going on with the controller, its new bought in Oct 2011 CBT16PC I tested it all channels are working, but that one section is driving me crazyer, I used new LED 100 ct and they light up fine its pluged in to controller 5 chanel 4, so I switched it around from 1234567,7654321 no luck still off 1-2 seconds, and when I say I switched it around, I went 1234567 to 9,10,11,12,13,14 on the channels that put # 4 at plug #11 still same result. could it be in the LED string?

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thats ok, other 3 work correct, when I do a test on the Hardware Utility Program it is still off by 1-2 seconds.

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Based on what I understand you saying.

You changed the dongles the lights are connected to and modified the sequence to accomodate your change of the physical connections and yet you STILL have the same issues with timing. To me this points more toward the sequence file NOT the hardware. The one thing that stayed consistant in your doings...is the information that is on the rows in the sequence. OR you have more than one software channel associated with a hardware channel.

Bottom line....sounds like a programming error. If you would like another set of eyes to look over it....drop me a message.


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