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Sequence print

Ted W

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I am busy sequencing 80 channels as a newbie. Taking about 10 hours per minute of music. My fist time and show, I have 5 songs for about 15 minutes........getting crosseyed :shock: and tired.:)

My question.......When I am done with a sequence, can I print it so I can see the whole thing and have it for reference when I start my initial lighting? I am OK taping a bunch of pieces together if I need to.

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That's an interesting idea, but probably not easily accomplished due to high channel counts and print it big enough to read and make notes.

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Ted Workman wrote:


My question.......When I am done with a sequence, can I print it so I can see the whole thing and have it for reference when I start my initial lighting? I am OK taping a bunch of pieces together if I need to.

If you want a channel reference when you are connecting lights to your controllers outside,then you can print out your Channel Configuration.

Tools Channel Configuration
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You can probably do this with a series of screen grabs but it is probably more work putting the puzzle together then it is worth.

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