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Bucky Masks


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Does anyone know of a site where I could buy a mask for a Bucky skull? I am actually looking for a Santa mask so I can turn my creepy skelly into a jolly ole Santa!


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I was thinking of doing the same thing.. If you have a Party City or Spirit Store that hasnt closed up yet, check there.. otherwise see what you can find online..

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yeah, saw each of those too.. Wondering how tough it is to do the latex mask yourself.. start with the bucky/lindberg skull, make a latex mask over it, then face-construct it yourself..

ooouch.. just found this.. http://www.compositeeffects.com/silprod.php?prodcode=SMFAT01#SMFAT01

aaahhh..$19.. better.. http://www.funhousetheatricalcostumes.com/a-56169.html

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OUCH is right....1200 bucks for a mask is a bit outrageous.....

Yep may get the second one....

I will have to research latexing a bucky skull.....maybe dip it in something like that paraffin wax for your hands.

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