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Imagine my surprise....


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Hey! That's Richard Holdman's!!!


Imagine my surprise when the opening credits of the video said: "Light Design by AlpenGlowAnimated.com"

The website also has a video of Carson Williams' lights, but the clever wording does not actually claim responsibilty for Carson's lights: "Others' Examples" rather than "Other Examples".

I did a quick google search and found them here, too. http://www.thebestchristmaslights.com/displays/carol-of-the-bells-animated-christmas-light-display-alpen-glow-animated

I apologize in advance, William, but this makes 'borrowing' a picture of strobe ligthts pale in comparison. These people are trying to make money by claiming Richard Holdman's work as their own. Low.... really low. :X :X :X :X :X

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Randy wrote:

Well, I would not believe it if I had not read it with my own eyes. It is hard to believe by the quality of the sequences on the alpenglow website, that Richard was a partner in this, but I guess so....

Thanks for setting me straight, Randy!
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Yea, he does sell his sequences, custom sequencing, design, consultation, and other services on his website (holdmanlighting.com). That is why I was surprised to find out that he was a partner in Alpenglow.

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