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Light-O-Rama Forums

Looking for Halloween Sequences

T. Bennett

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To my fellow Halloween LOR users,
I am working late on my halloween display sequences, due to work...unfortunately, been away from home too long.

I am curious is anyone out there has (and is willing to share) Halloween Sequences. I have a 8 channel singing pumpkin, so any singing sequences would be a HUGE help. Otherwise, I will work with anything out there. Just looking for some that are started so I can work from there.

Thanks in advance, and happy sequencing!

email- iphonebennett@gmail.com


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james morris wrote:

these sequence dont have the mp3 with them
Yes I know i am looking to see if someone has a link to where i can buy it.
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I am trying to post a zip file with the sequence and music. I can't do it. The reply says the file size exceeds 2MB. Am I doing something wrong. Is there a membership level I don't know about that lets you post a larger file size. A limit of 2MB makes this forum almost useless!

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