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Each year I say??


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Every year since I started this wacky world of LOR, I always say that I am either going to do this or that or say I'm not going to do this or that . How about you? Here's one of mine.

1. I am going to start doing my sequencing earlier next year and avoid the rush!

But it nevers happens.

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every year i say, I am going to start EVERYTHING earlier... here it is October 20th, and im still working on my decorations!!

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next year I am NOT changing my display (again)!!!

I am JUST going to concentrate ondoing some good sequencing...

Unless of course the CCB,s come out..

then all bets are off!! ;)

because here it is, 33 days before the lights "GO ON"...

and I am NOT even done with re-building my display elements (again)...

and I have NOT finished sequencing even ONE song yet...

You would think this is my first year at doing a display!! :P


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jimswinder wrote:

next year I am NOT changing my display (again)!!!

I am JUST going to concentrate of doing some good sequencing...

Unless of course the CCB,s come out..

then all bets are off!! ;)

because here it is, 33 days before the lights "GO ON"...

and I am NOT even done with re-building my display elements (again)...

and I have NOT finished sequencing even ONE song yet...


Got ya beat, I got one whole song done!!!!
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I got one song done so I thought but I had to change things in it so it is not on the not complete pile with all the other songs every year I always say This year I want to start sequencing early in the year IE. April ish but never start until setember

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Got you all beat.. Of course its my first year.. All songs are done, most of the props are made.
But, every year, I say, that's enough lights.... But every year i always add at least 1000

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Well I concentrated on sequencing the additional channels and incorporated a bunch new sequences.

I just forgot to rebuild my holdman star bigger, install my transmitter antenna, and solder my two new controllers up. Doh!

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I have not begun on my builds!! Still building the Black Pearl in the front yard for Halloween (chk Halloween sub topic)!!. I have 2 mega trees, 8 more minis and two ctb16pc's to build for Christmas.. forget abt any new sequencing!

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Like the rest of you, I have a lot to still build, change, sequence, etc. I actually started in January, but then Spring and Summer got in the way! Now I'm scrambling like most other years.

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this will be my first christmas show just finished getting my halloween show going need to finish 8 mini trees 3 med trees take down old light on the roof put new ones up have my sequence finish well so far if i find somthing new will have to look at it thankgiving coming to fast help

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Everything is built. I have three mini trees to wrap yet. I was worried about sequences thinking I only had a couple done but when I counted I had 10. Well 9 1/2, discovered I had not finished one. I have one that I want in the show so I have it to do and I am done. Cheating on it because a person sent my theirs and I can just copy paste to fit my show. Busy year building all my wire frames etc. and going from 64 to 288 channels this year.

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Everything pretty much built, but I just have kept putting off sequencing :( Guess I'll get into that when everything is up and in place (or a couple rainy days which have been PLENTIFUL here). Mostly just changes to exisiting and maybe one or two new ones.

Tom Straub

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