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Firefli and the CMB16D


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I'm not sure if this is the correct area, but I know I want the opinion of other LOR users.

I love Firefli! There, I said it, but........ I am frustrated. If anyone has seen my sequencing, they know it is fast (give you a seizure fast) and while some people loathe the style, I love it and find it hard to sequence any other way. The problem is that my love of speed and the Firefli do not always mix (sticking pixels and missed commands). I'm not a genius when it comes to electronics, but I am unsure on whether it is a controller issue, a pixel issue, or a combination of the two. Cause it seems that any LEDs I have on the 1602 controllers never stick or miss a command, always 100%. We have been working around the stuck pixel issue with sequencing techniques (adding a fraction of a second fade out intead of just on/off).

The bottom row seems to have trouble with the fast on and off of the sequence:

And here, the fades have problems and at one point only 5 pumpkins are blue when all of them should be:


Audio muted cause it wasn't rated PG....

My question: If I built a firefly type device using LEDs and the CMB16D, would I have similar issues? So lets say I create 16 pixels and control them using 3 CMB16D boards, would the exact same sequence run better? I know it won't be the most cost effective solution, but I know from experience the amazing reliability of LOR hardware and wouldn't mind the extra cost. ( I was entertaining the notion of running the pixels on a Renard board, but I read there are issues between LOR software and a Renard board, correct me if I am wrong).

I know that some will say "just buy a CCR" but I may be the only person who doesn't care for them.

And if you have any other ideas, I am open to suggestions.

Thank you in advance.
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Last year, I used the CMB16D to control the Rainbow Floods without any issues. They worked flawlessly on some pretty quick sequences, notably, Dueling Jingle Bells. Not quite sure what you are trying to do, but would the CCBs work for you, if and when they are available? Also, the CMB16D has been out of stock at LOR for some time.


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Denny wrote:

Also, the CMB16D has been out of stock at LOR for some time.


While the CMB16D is out of stock, the CMB16D-QC is in stock and available: only difference the -QC uses quick connects instead of screw terminals.

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They have the other CMB16 ?? (quick Release stuff). I'm just planning for next year. Have big plans! My plans this year were swapped last minute, and then part of my big plan went out of business....I do miss Galaxia.....


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