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Cant get lights to work


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Hi All

i have just been given a 1602 controller with the MP3 player when i program a test sequence and down load to the sd card i get no lighting outputs i really have no idea what i am doing and i am looking for a little advice after reading the manuals all the led lights seem to be blinking correctly so i have no idea what is wrong. My question i suspose is what is the easy was to load the sequences to the sd card. and is ther any specific way the lights need to be wired i have tried both a rope light with a controller and one that i have rewire to take the controller out so i get a solid light when plugged in. i am really keen to get this running for christmas as i am looking to use my lights for raising money for a local charity soso any help is appreciated

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So, from the way it sounds, you have the mini director that the card goes into, and you have your cat5 going to the controller from the director. Before you did that, did you hook the controller to the comp with the rs485 (usb) adapter and configure the board (assign it). If you didnt do this, it wont run the show.

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Just thought of something else as I was looking at other posts. I havr the pc version, so mine is a little different. I think on yours, you have a dial or something like that in your box to set the contrler id #. Make sure that matches the controller # on your sequence (channel configuration). If your controller id is 2, but the # on the sequence is 1, the sequence is trying to be sent to controller 1.

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aza711 wrote:

Hi All

i have just been given a 1602 controller with the MP3 player when i program a test sequence and down load to the sd card i get no lighting outputs i really have no idea what i am doing and i am looking for a little advice after reading the manuals all the led lights seem to be blinking correctly so i have no idea what is wrong. My question i suspose is what is the easy was to load the sequences to the sd card. and is ther any specific way the lights need to be wired i have tried both a rope light with a controller and one that i have rewire to take the controller out so i get a solid light when plugged in. i am really keen to get this running for christmas as i am looking to use my lights for raising money for a local charity soso any help is appreciated

I am curious what you mean when you say you "downloaded to the SD card"? You can't just copy the sequence over to the card and plan on it working. You have to create a show on the card. Open the LOR Hardware Utility, and click on the tab labeled "LOR Mp3". Within here, you will see options for adding a sequence(s) to a playlist. When you have your list of sequences loaded, you "Create Show." A new pop-up window will come up and from there you will see a button that says to "Place show on SD card". That takes a few seconds to copy the show to the SD card. Insert the card in your Director, connect the director with cat5 to the controller, and when both are powered the show should start. (If you are using the Showtime Director, then you may have to set the time on it, and "tell" it when what time to start the show.) Let us know if you get it working.
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