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Instant Sequencer ... who? what? where? how?


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O.K., I've heard about the instant sequencer and it sounds pretty enticing. I have read that it goes along with the "superstar" stuff. I wouldn't know a superstar or CCR if it jumped up and bit me in the butt.
Can the instant sequencer work without the superstar/CCR stuff ... with just the S3 system? If so, how?
Thank you for putting up with me. :D

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The 'instant sequence' functionality is only in the SuperStar Editor (SSE).

It is not within the Sequence Editor (SE) portion of the software.

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If you have a license for the SuperStar Editor, then you would be able to use the Instant Sequencer (CRTL+I) functionality. From there, you could export that to your sequence editor.

If you do not have a SSE license ... then you would not be able to export to the Sequence Editor. (However, since it would run in demo mode, you would be able to see it work, etc.)

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I do not know of a way, (nor do I think there is one) to cut/paste from the SSE to the SE.

You have to export your work from the SSE to the SE.

SSE = SuperStar Editor
SE = Sequence Editor

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I don't have any CCRs but . . . I would like to be able to create seqs. with the instant sequencer in SStar. So . . . Just to get this right in my head, if I create an instant seq. in SStar (w/the S3 update), I can export it to the S3-SEditor, then play those seqs. (via SD card/LOR Showtime/MP3) in my show with no CCRs?

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James George wrote:

I don't have any CCRs but . . . I would like to be able to create seqs. with the instant sequencer in SStar. So . . . Just to get this right in my head, if I create an instant seq. in SStar (w/the S3 update), I can export it to the S3-SEditor, then play those seqs. (via SD card/LOR Showtime/MP3) in my show with no CCRs?

Yes you can

Here is a gotcha:

Export only will export the number of CCR's or grid lines you have licensed for.

It looks at a CCR having 50 RGB Channels. Instant sequence does not use macros or any part of the Super Star software uses macros.

If you import your visualizer .lee file into Super star (use options 2 or 3) it will assemble your channels in each row not to exceed 50 channels RGB or not.

So if you have ~100 channels or less it might only be 2 rows in the grid and a 2 CCR license is all you will need.

Example is my show in 2010 has 4 CCR's and 176 channels, when imported into Superstar I have 7 rows in my grid. The first 4 rows are my CCR's and the last 3 are my channels. So I need an 8 CCR's license to do the Instant sequence export or any export from Superstar. If you have more grid lines than you have a license it will not export and a message will tell you so.
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