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Z-Wave and ZeeBee support


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I think it's about time that LOR support Z-Wave and may ZigBee lighting control protocols. After all X10 is so old school and has so many problems.

Let's get S3 released and then add support for a couple of the Z-Wave dongles.

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That's a given. Get everything promised in the release finished then give one of the junior programmers the task. If you base it off the X10 code it should take too long. It should be a lower priority function.

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I'm gonna go out on a limb here for something I don't know a whole lot about. I think X10 is a standard while ZWave is a protocol that's owned by a company. So my guess is that ZWave might require a license for LOR to use, while X10 probably doesn't.

I've got a couple dozen (actually 23) X10 controllers, so with my investment in X10, I'm just glad that S3 still includes X10. I've had zero problems with it only because I planned for all the issues beforehand. The X10 controllers are all in the garage and it's very interesting to hear, at the end of the night, all the X10 controllers clicking off one after another.

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Timon wrote:

That's a given. Get everything promised in the release finished then give one of the junior programmers the task. If you base it off the X10 code it should take too long. It should be a lower priority function.

You presume there is more than one programmer on the sequence editor... :shock:
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