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So I thought this was gonna be easy. I had all these songs I wanted to be a part of my show and I'm totally overwhelmed. Last year I had "The sounds of Christmas" Running most of the show. I got a light-o-rama this year and thought I was starting early... I've been reading and downloading and feel like I'm getting nowhere. I had all these songs I want to be apart of my show but there is no way I'll be able to sequence them all in time. So maybe you guys have done them? Frosty The Snowman DJ Laz Mix, Dynamix II Jingle Bass, or any of the songs off of the CD "Have a very Bass Christmas" Any help or advice on ANYTHING would be greatly appreciated. I'm kinda freakin out. Thanks in advance! -David

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I suggest downloading a sequence or 2 and looking at how it is done. That will help you get the hang of doing it yourself. You can take individual channels from the downloaded sequence and cut/paste it into your sequence and then modify it to your liking. Just focus in on 3-5 seconds of the song at a time. Here are some places to look for free sequences:



Hang in there, you will get it. Once you start to get the hang of it, then the sequencing will start to go faster for you.

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djvivid21 wrote:

These forums are really helpful. I've been reading for hours!

Stop reading!!!!'

Those "for hours" could have been used sequencing!!! :D

welcome to the insanity...
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jimswinder wrote:

djvivid21 wrote:
These forums are really helpful. I've been reading for hours!

Stop reading!!!!'

Those "for hours" could have been used sequencing!!! :D

welcome to the insanity...

I agree! Get your layout figured out and download some sequences. They won't match your layout but there is a thing that works wonders called copy and paste, you can copy selected channels in to your layout and should be able to come up with a good show in plenty of time.
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Guest Don Gillespie

david welcome aboard the more you play with the sequencing the easier it becomes you will be sequencing songs in hours not days keep asking questions maybe start with some other sequences untill you get the hang of this.

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Hey David, where about in Florida are you? I'm over in Fern Park (Casselberry), so if you're anywhere near me, be more than happy to get together with you on some of this stuff. I've only been doing this since 2010 myself and thanks to many of the folks here have also learned a lot and even learned some tricks of my own.

You can also download my 2010 and 2011 sequences here:


Got Halloween and Christmas sequences, haven't done any for Christmas 2011 yet(so I don't think there are any Christmas sequences in the 2011 folders), so I'm behind on that score myself this year. OOPS! :shock:

Put a lot of effort into the 2011 Halloween display. Will probably just modify my 2010 Christmas sequences for the Christmas display this year and work more on the Christmas sequences for 2012 after the 2011 season. Although I will try to "tweak" them throughout the 2011 Christmas timeframe.

Never seems to be enough time to get it all done! LOL

PM me for my address and phone number if you're close enough and interested in getting together.

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I would focus on one song at first. I would make it a song which it cut down in length. Use audacity for your own or cut down version from someone else. Once you have your first song sequenced, the others will go much faster.

Take the help from others offering.

Also make sure you have your layout determined, animation windows drawn up and saved everything into your 2011 config file that you will import into every new sequence you start.

Feeling overwhelmed is normal. Just take baby steps. You can do it!

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taybrynn wrote:

Feeling overwhelmed is normal. Just take baby steps. You can do it!
2008 ~ 96 channels, 1 home
2009 ~ 160 channels, 2 homes
2010 ~ 256 channels, 2 homes
2011 ~ 272 channels [LOR], 2 homes, 145ch [DMX], 3054ch [PIXELNET], LOR S3 / LSP 2.0 / xlights

WOW!! You have S3 already!?!?!?!
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Thanks SO much for all the advice you guys! I am in Gainesville. I started about 5 years ago with just a few icicles and it's gotten crazy. I made the front page of the paper last year and the traffic was SO crazy. I had to upgrade this year. The music box wasn't gonna cut it :P

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djvivid21 wrote:

... or any of the songs off of the CD "Have a very Bass Christmas"

taybrynn wrote:
I would focus on one song at first. I would make it a song which it cut down in length.

I agree fully! I would also like to say that when sequencing those types of songs you mention (with a heavy strong beat), that the Beat Wizard is your friend!
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So I think I have my layout 8 channels for the roof 4 for the house and 4 for the lawn. If I have a sequence that I downloaded can I just change the channels on the left to my deal? Also on the song I'm sequencing when I copy a channel from another song will it automatically be adjusted to the beat that the beat wizard has layed out?

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djvivid21 wrote:

Also on the song I'm sequencing when I copy a channel from another song will it automatically be adjusted to the beat that the beat wizard has layed out?

Yes, if the timing marks on both sequences are set to the beat. You have to have the paste mode set to "Paste by Cell."

Some old-timers prefer to sequence with a .10 or .05 fixed timing grid (because LOR version 1 worked better that way). If that's the way one of the songs are sequenced, then it won't adjust to the beat.
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After 3 years it still takes me over 8 hours to sequence each minute of a song.

Extension cords! Lots of extension cords!

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