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Lighting Mega Trees


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So many people put up mega trees, at times of the year. But I was thinking, "isn't that a glorified Lighting rod?"

Has anyone ever had there Mega trees struck by lighting? If so, How much damage does the lighting do?

Does anyone "ground" their trees?

Or am I thinking to far fetch?

Thanks in advance for the help...

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1) yes
2l no, the biggest problem so far is wind.
2a) i image a lot!
3) no, becasue its not attached to the house and if it gets hit most likely the same damage will happen TOTAL BBQ
4) it all depends where you live. I would never set up a maga tree in the spring.

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My steel post megatree is in the ground, so therefore it is grounded.

(hope this information doesn't get copyrighted)

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ny_yankee_25 wrote:

How do you ground yours?

I'm sorry, that information is copy righted so I can't post it here.
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Guest wbottomley

I have a kite string tied to a key at the bottom and at the top of the star. :D

Mine are in the ground, so therefore it's grounded. But still worries me when I see lightning and hear thunder.

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Here is how I'm making my mega tree. Mine is not going in the ground. Thats why I was asking.

Attached files 268976=14900-1.25_5-way_Tn.jpg

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Then you need to drive 10 foot grounding rods in the earth ( electrical supply store) and use # 8 AWG to connect them

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