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assigning controllers

Guest Don Gillespie

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Guest Don Gillespie

I know I have seen this before, did the search on the LOR website couldn`t find it, I am going to be running 160 channels this year, giving me 10 controllers I know that I can assign the first 9 contollers in the hardware utility as ID number 1 for the controller 1 and ID number 2 for contoller 2 etc etc. when I add controller 10 what do I use for an ID numder for controller 10 :D

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I think you may be having the same problem I had when I first went to assign the controllers...in the drop down menu it goes from 1 - 9 THEN some Alpha characters...

keep scrolling down the menu and soon 10 - 19 will come up...then more Alpha characters...then further down back to numbers...and so forth...

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Guest Don Gillespie

jimswinder wrote:

I think you may be having the same problem I had when I first went to assign the controllers...in the drop down menu it goes from 1 - 9 THEN some Alpha characters...

keep scrolling down the menu and soon 10 - 19 will come up...then more Alpha characters...then further down back to numbers...and so forth...

thanks Jim thats exactly what I was looking for
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One other thing to remember when using more than the 9, is when you export your config to Excel the IDs need to be changed. I always put the unit-circuit number in the channel name for better reference - Deer #6 2.5. Obviously its deer #6 on controller 2 chnl 5. I always use the Excel printout for my set up.

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It also helps if you can wrap you mind around using Hexadecimal for controllers (that what the letter do). The controllers are addressed by base 16 counting instead of standard base 10, this allows you to have up to 255 addressable controllers on one network

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Just make sure that you set the max unit ID equal to or greater than the ID that you assign to the last controller.
(upper right)

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A little hex primer. As mentioned LOR controllers use the Hexidecimal counting system.

So it is 0-9 as it is in decimal. But then for 10 to 15 it is A, B, C, D, E, & F. So the count looks like this

01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 0A, 0B, 0C, 0D, 0E, & 0F.

Now because we are counting in hexidecimal when we get to a count of 16. We move over one to the left as such 10. 10 represents 16 in hexidecimal. So h11 represents 17 in decimal. Noticed the little "h" in front is to let someone know that the number following is a hexidecimal number. just a few examples.

1A is 26 24 is 36 16X2 =32 + 4 =36 And the mother of all is FF = 255 F=15 X16 = 240 + 15 = 255.

Been working with Binary (count of 2, OFF and ON) and Hexidecimal for years with Numeric Controls. But I can understand how some of you just prefer to stick with decimal and just loose a few useful addresses that you will never need.

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So the question that goes with the number of controllers/addresses is:

If you do not have Advanced Level lic for S2 or higher, does it balk at using Unit addresses higher than 8, or just with number of units found totaling more than lic level?

..seems a few folks have run into problems getting their controllers to work, presumably with unit addy's higher than either 4 or 8 for their lic level..

Just really wondering.. Unit addys below lic level, or total number found?

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From what I have been reading is that if you have Basic. It appears that you have to address you controller either 1 or 2. Nothing over 2 seems to work. That's if I am reading the post that people have been making. I cant remember how many controller you can have with the 2nd level lic. But I suspect that again you would want to limit your addresses to a number less than or equal to the number of controllers the lic is good for. I suspect that the advanced lic is good for any address on the controller.

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Unit Address limited to License level, not quantity of controllers

Basic License Unit IDs 1 and 2
Basic Plus Unit IDs 1, 2, 3 and 4
Standard Unit IDs 1 through 8
Advanced Unit IDs 1 through F0 - 240 controllers max on 1 network

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