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Error code help


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Got all lights and music working, went to do a test show, all I get is Error (8002 Com Error)---------------------------This message has me confused.:(

Also getting Message 28, channel is complety off..does this mean that i have to delte all thos tracks with notih on a certain channel? never had to worry abpout this before only done since upgrade?

Shows cannot be enabled because of an error.Open of serial port has failed
Error: (8002) Open of serial port has failed
Error: (8002) Com Port Error
While: Open COM2 params baud=57600 parity=n data=8 stop=1 xon=off odsr=off dtr=off rts=off idsr=off

While: Open COM2 params baud=57600 parity=n data=8 stop=1 xon=off odsr=off dtr=off rts=off idsr=off

Trace: Init Light-O-Rama port/LORChannelIO

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  • 1 month later...

Well after alot of trial and error, ( and cussin & swearing) I finally got my LOR & CCR show up and running. Now after I put all the lights up I am able to run shows. I did have a mate who works on computers and quite good at it to, but it totally had him stumped. But I got it sussed and working..Very Very happy chappy I am now...

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The "Open of serial port has failed" error is usually because you have more than one of the following programs running: the Show Player, the Sequence Editor, and the Hardware Utility. All of them try to open up the comm port, but only one can have the comm port open at a time, so the others fail.

The "channel is completely off" message (I assume from the Verifier) is just a warning. It's warning you in case you meant to put some lighting effects into that channel. You don't have to delete the channels. You can ignore this message if you want to.

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