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Backing up Saved Sequences


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I've been saving my sequences whenever I revise them in lms. format on a portable flash drive. I don't care about losing the music files as they are simply MP3s converted from itunes. Is this enough to ensure I don't lose anything (other than music files)?

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Only if you don't lose both drives at the same time..

I would recommend you do an online back-up service...like Dropbox (which is free)

and in case you didn't know, S2 automatically makes a backup of your sequence also...

but it puts it in the same folder as your original sequence...they are the .bak files...

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You know Murphy's Law...

You will lose your flash drive the day your hard drive crashes!

I have mine backed up to my show PC and some on CD.

I do a regular back up to Dropbox (its online so you can access your files anywhere you have the Internet and its "FREE"!).

You could always email them to a Hotmail account.

I have 3 rules!

Back Up

Back Up

Back Up!

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You're good. As long as you have two different sources of saved info, you'll be fine. I've been using flash drives as backup for years. Since my show computer is not connected to the internet, the flash drive works very well for me to transfer and/or save.

If one crashes, replace it quick to keep two back-ups up and current.

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i save my sequences to memery stick i have one for halloween and one for christmas i move files back and forth no problems at all and a 10 gig stick is not expence

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The best back up off them all is off site.

Amazon will give you 5gb of cloud space for free. I was able to put all my sequences I have every made, tested, download along with every song, I have every purchases, borrowed, used, etc...

I just zipped the entire LOR folder up and stored it on cloud, for free!

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Just buy a flash drive. I open yesterdays work and and the day of week on the file name and save that first. That way I always have the last version. When I am done for the night I save it to the hard drive as normal, but then I save it to a flash drive. Then the server backs up the PC during the night. That's the "disadvantage" of being in the IT biz, you are paranoid!

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I use the backup device also as the way to copy the sequences and audio files from the sequencing computers to the show computer. That way I know everything is backed up, because if it wasn't backed up, it wouldn't get to the show computer.

I do most of my backups on CD-ROM, because it's a cheap way to record multiple versions of sequences. On each CD-ROM I make a folder named by the current date. I then re-use that CD-ROM by making a new folder with the current date. I use multiple CD-ROM's because they're cheap! I write the current date on them, and start with blank ones every year. I keep the past years so if I wanted to, I could find any sequence from a particular date.

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Flash drives are just too cheap -not- to use them as backup devices.. Frys Electronics (the mega store out here in the west) has 4GB drives for $4, 8GB for $8.. Get one (if you dont have one already), and when you do your Saves after any changes, save it again, onto the thumb drive. You can add the music folder too, as you say, it's converted iTunes, but it will save any hassle of having to re-download it, again.. plus, if you edit the song any, you'd have to do it .. again.. Probably the easiest is to just copy both Sequence and Audio folders onto the thumb drive.

You could even pick up a 16 or 32GB drive and do your normal Window User backup on it each week.. remember it's not paranoia if there reeeally are viruses and hard drive crashes out there.. :P

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What I like about the flash/thumb drives is I can slip it in my pocket to take to work or where ever. I do a little sequencing at work and at home. Plus transfering to stand-alone laptop makes it fast and simple every time. And yes, transfering audio and sequencing onto these little jewels is great.

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