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Background Image does Not Exist


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Hey guys and gals...I just switched laptops and had to move all my files over to the new one, and pretty much every one of my files states when I try to open them, "Background Image Does Not Exist" so I go to the view animation, and there is some junk in there...I clear that out and save it...do I have to do that for every single file, or is there a blanket way to clear the animation on all of them at once??

Thanks for your help...I tried going to the notepad way, and remove "image" which is what i did a few years ago, and that worked then, but being I did that before, ...Going from 64 channels to 160 this year, and i'm a little stressed! Thanks in advance!

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1) Get into your LOR directory on your harddrive.

2) find a program called LORPost and run it.

3) browse for your directory that contains your Audio and Sequence files.

4) click on next

5) Now you are set.

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I'm no computer genius...but I'm not an idiot either...I hae Audio, Clipboard, Sequences and Visualizations...i'm running the newest version...and don't See LORPost anywhere...i've gone through the directory, i've done search, nothing...

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Open the program.

Click on the view animation button in the toolbar

Ignore the message about the background image.

bottom left corner, click on "Select"

probably shows your sequence folder.

change that to the visualization folder.

That's where your image probably is. Unless you didn't move it.

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David Rise wrote:

Open the program.

Click on the view animation button in the toolbar

Ignore the message about the background image.

bottom left corner, click on "Select"

probably shows your sequence folder.

change that to the visualization folder.

That's where your image probably is. Unless you didn't move it.

Sorry if I misread your post.
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Thank you all for your help..as I implemented these steps..realized, you still have to do each sequence 1 at a time in regards to the image error

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