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Testing yard lights

Melvin Stoddard

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Second link works. This only about 2/3 of song, I was recording on my flip and battery went dead. This also facing street,Iam at back of yard next to computer.

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Very nice. That means I have a use for all these dang multi color lights that I don't use anymore....hehe

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Last year we had no snow before New Years Day. We have a 1 in 5 change of a White Christmas on average.

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Last year we had no snow before New Years Day. We have a 1 in 5 chance of a White Christmas on average.

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Guest Don Gillespie

I like it, I like it, I like it,

would be neat to try that up north but afraid the lights would have to be mounted on 5 foot stakes to keep them out of the snow. :P

Really neat effect you get to use your whole yard

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I think what would actually look even better is if there was three or four inches of snow covering the lights. Back in my pre-LOR days I'd try almost annually to achieve that with chasers or mf sets. Sometimes it would succeed, even if only for a few days, and it would look great! With LEDs the effect might last longer because the snow wouldn't be melting from the heat of the lamps. Of course, as soon as a foot of snow falls then the gig's up.

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We have had some big snows. I use to have c-9 incandescent lights around the edge of my yard and they would glow through several inches of snow, and melt it quickly.

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Guest Don Gillespie

With the snow the incadesant lights look really sharp they create enough heat to melt the snow giving it a different look the Leds produce no heat and as Geoge said they get buried in the snow I am trying to talk my wife into standing in the yard with her hair dryer and everytime it snows she could turn it on for a while to melt the snow she told me to ---- off but I think that means she is going to try. LOL :P

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Well its only 16 channels. 8 front to back 8 side to side. Don have her use a heat shrink gun.lol

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George Simmons wrote:

Looks good! How I envy you guys who can see your ground at Christmas...

As Jeff would say "+1"

Last year I blew snow and shoveled every other day for most of December, and actually gave up on 12/26 and shut down the show.
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