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servos DIO32 Board


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I need to control a LOT of servos for my animatronic christmas band for my display. Looking at 20 channels and dont really want to buy 3 servodogs and only have 4 spare channels when I read the DIO32 can control servos I could have 12 channels spare (some could be digital inputs/outputs if not on a bank of servos). Is it actually possible to use all 32 outputs of the I/O to be servo controlling?

Many thanks


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Yes you can run 32 servos. You just have to get a little creative with the wiring on the first 16ch (A&;) because they don't have the servo 3pin headers like 17-32 (C&D) have.


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Also look for any previous threads about DIO32 VS Servo Dog. The servo dog was designed from day 1 to drive servos. The ability to control lights was a secondary consideration. The DIO was designed to be flexible and do a wide range of things. My recollection is that a few people who had used both were much happier with the performance of the Servo Dog for driving servos.

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