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Trying to sequence songs

dlr guitars

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Hello all. I decided that I will be doing a light display this year, and am just waiting for the summer sale to get the hardware.

I am using the demo version of the software to start sequencing though, and something isn't looking right to me. I was expecting to see this in the sequence editor:


Instead, the channels do not line up with the boxes on the left. The rows of control boxes look like this:


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Guest Don Gillespie

Welcome aboard dir guitars two things go to view in your sequence and scroll down to skew track you can go right or left with this it should line them up for you, secondly tell us where your from there might be someone who lives around the corner from you most of the members include this in thier profile, have fun and keep asking questions don't forget to stock up on extension cords. :D

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I think you might have hit on the problem described in this thread:


The thread gives several suggestions to try in order to get around the problem.

Before you do any of those, though, I'm curious, so would you mind please trying the following and letting me know what the results are:

(1) The background color of your waveform display is currently set to be white. Could you please change it to, say, green, and seeing if that causes the entire white area to turn green, or just the top portion of it (i.e. the area around the actual waveform will turn green, but I suspect there will still be a horizontal bar of white below it)?

To change the background color of the waveform display, please right click on the waveform and select "Change Colors" from the popup menu that will open, and then click on the white button to the right of "Background" on the "Wave Colors" dialog that will open.

(2) After trying that out, and seeing what happens one way or the other, please try turning off your waveform display, and seeing if there's still a seemingly extraneous blank horizontal bar below the time scale and above the grid.

To turn off the waveform display, please click on the "View Wave Form" button on the toolbar, which is the one that looks something like this:


Thanks in advance, and sorry for the problem.

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Skew Track isn't going to fix that.

Looks like a display driver type issue (though I don't think it is.) Look under Edit -> Preferences -> Display Preferences and check your settings there.

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Guest Don Gillespie

Don wrote:

Skew Track isn't going to fix that.

Looks like a display driver type issue (though I don't think it is.) Look under Edit -> Preferences -> Display Preferences and check your settings there.

Maybe I didn't understand his question I thought he couldn't line things up. this is the second time in 50 years I have been wrong if this continues I am going to have to get help :D

Looks like Bob is on this thanks Don
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Well, things aren't lining up for him. The cells of the channels are not lined up with the descriptions.

Skew Track affects the timing of the events, not the vertical placement of the events to the channel descriptions.

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Well, switching to Windows Vista Basic display fixed this problem. Bob, here's what I found.

(1) The background color of your waveform display is currently set to be white. Could you please change it to, say, green, and seeing if that causes the entire white area to turn green, or just the top portion of it (i.e. the area around the actual waveform will turn green, but I suspect there will still be a horizontal bar of white below it)?

I changed both the background and the waveform colors, and the bar still remained. although it did turn black...

(2) After trying that out, and seeing what happens one way or the other, please try turning off your waveform display, and seeing if there's still a seemingly extraneous blank horizontal bar below the time scale and above the grid.

Even with the wave form off, the tracks were off from the grid. However, switching the display theme worked like a charm. Thank you so much!

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