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Using someone else's sequence


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Hi everyone,

This will be my 3rd year with LOR (first 2 years where Mr. Christmas, last 2 years 32 channels ("Best 16/32 Outputs" video from last year http://wowlights.com/Shared/SharedView.asp?Video=1701 ) this year 48 channels). I've been doing my own sequencing, mainly because I don't understand how I could use someone else's sequence.

I have 6 flood lights (2 red, 2 blue, 2 green) which I use to create effects. Some channels can only be on / off (strobes, falling icicle lights). My mega-tree is 9 channels, and I number things from bottom to top.

If I were to use YOUR sequence, it wouldn't look right in MY display. My mega tree may be channels 8-16, but yours is 1-9.

So, when you get a sequence from someone else, what do you do with it? Just use it for ideas? Or for timing grids? Or do you actually use their sequence, and switch channels around to make it work in your display?

Thanks in advance for your input!

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I watch the sequence and look for similiar items. Then copy and paste them into my display.

Also, I did not have a clue how to setup channels in a particular order (left to right, up/down, etc...). So none of the sequences that I got from others worked and I had to kinda study what they did and find similiar items and copy them into my sequence.

What I did find, is that you can take your channel config and move the channels around in the program, then copy and paste the sequence.

It looks like most folks do a left to right setup. Once I paste in a sequence, it's just a matter of making adjustments to fit my display. You'll never find anyone with the exact same display (well maybe one person). So no sequence will ever be exact.

BTW....I have now completed 3 sequences completely from scratch and am finding that it's probably easier than it's going to be setting this up.

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I also do what David does...I watch their sequence using their animation and see where I can copy and paste their ideas into my channel configuration. Sometimes I may only use a couple of their channels and fill in the rest myself...and sometimes I will use all of what they got...just depends on the song and their elements.

It's a good place to start and get ideas of how someone else interprets the song.

My first year I was VERY against using anyone elses' sequence (or sharing mine with anybody)...but now I am older, hopefully wiser, and time just seems to go by faster and faster every year...I just don't have the time to sequence as much as I would like to and do all the other things I want/need to do for my display...AND try to have a life away from LOR... :D

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What I find helpful is sometimes copying a channel from them if they have marked the beats or change of rhythm and see how they transition from one to the other.

I too don't know how people can use someone else's sequence .. everyone's set up is so unique that I would find it too hard to try and copy into my set up !

My 2c worth !


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I haven't used anyone's sequencing (yet), but...

My props have different numbers of elements (channels):

2 - 4' Wreaths
3 - segments on my porch columns
4 - 30" wreaths
5 - porch columns
6 - wreaths total
7 - segments on the garage solar panels

etc... So I think if I were going to use somone else's sequence, I'd see how many elements they have in a certain prop, and copy the channels for those elements to my sequence to see how they work with the prop in my display with the same number of elements.


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i haven't started this yet but plan to use a few to get an idea of timing etc. also feeling very overwhelmed by pumpkin faces and mouth movements.

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Hi Eric,
You are correct that you cannot simply take someone else's sequence and run with it as is.
I've use them mostly for the timing / beats. Once I have the grid I can decide what to blink at that time.
I also looked at a lot of sequences to learn how to program arches and some other effects that I liked.

I am now trying to learn how to use the beat wizard and multiple timing grids. If I can get that down, I will probably stop using other people's sequences as a base, but for right now they are a crutch to get me past my lack of rhythm.

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Jeff Millard wrote:

I took one of Richard Holdman's. Silent Night by Sinead. Even used his cut up MP3. I chose a bunch of clear lighted channels across my display and just copied an entire channel from his sequence to mine. Where he used lighted trees and a slow fade up then down, and kind of chased it across the trees, I just made it travel across my entire display. Everything clear and constantly moving. It turned out really nice. I seem to find myself often chatting with people who are watching the display. I got more compliments from that sequence than any other. I told each person about Richard's display, and let them know it was his sequencing that made it happen. When the work is that good, it seems to easily translate across displays (IMHO)

I am the same way, I have gotten a lot of compliments on all the props I am building but I deflect the praise to this message board. I wouldn't be as far along if it wasn't for all the help I get here. I am not one to take credit for what I have not done but only borrowed.

Correct me if I am wrong but I sorta don't see it as a big issue unless you duplicate someone's entire display prop for prop and then the sequences to. Tho' I have gotten alot of sequences from some of you folks, NONE of you are doing a display that is anything close to what I am doing. Your just giving me bits and pieces to make it all work. I don't take credit for that but am eternally grateful.
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Jeff Millard wrote:

I took one of Richard Holdman's. Silent Night by Sinead. Even used his cut up MP3. I chose a bunch of clear lighted channels across my display and just copied an entire channel from his sequence to mine. Where he used lighted trees and a slow fade up then down, and kind of chased it across the trees, I just made it travel across my entire display. Everything clear and constantly moving. It turned out really nice. I seem to find myself often chatting with people who are watching the display. I got more compliments from that sequence than any other. I told each person about Richard's display, and let them know it was his sequencing that made it happen. When the work is that good, it seems to easily translate across displays (IMHO)


I agree Jeff.

The first thing I do is import the timing over into my channel setup. Then study, study, study the original sequence(s) to see if there are any redeeming aspects that I want to incorporate. And seeing just how a certain effect is programmed. Sometimes the most simple looking effect has a complex sequencing to achieve it. That is sometimes the only way to really learn to sequence well.

There are some more common sequences out there that I have had up to six other sequence(s) open at the same time gleaning what I like most off of each. I might not even take the entire length of the channel, just a certain timing section that I like.

My ma-to in life is, "why reinvent the wheel". Especially when many like Holdman have spent quality time putting together nice arrangements and graciously shared with others. Like them, I will gladly share with others what I have put together.
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